General Secretary has taken up the issues of 1)"Revised pattern and syllabus of PS group-B/Sr PM exam" ,2) "Quota of General Line in PS Group “B” Examination " and 3)"Holding of DPC for regular promotion to PS Group-B cadre" with Directorate. Copies of the letters sent to D.G are reproduced below.
Revised pattern and syllabus for Sr. Postmaster and PS Group “B” examination
No. CHQ/Exam./2011 Dated 28.03.2011
The Director General
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, N Delhi 110001
Sub: Revised pattern and syllabus for Sr. Postmaster and PS Group “B” examination –reg.
Ref: Directorate memo No. 9-59/2010-SPG dated 8/3/2011
Respected Madam,
At the outset, we thank the Department for revising the pattern and syllabus of P.S. Group “B” examination. However, our Association would like to put the following points for clarification in the interest of members as well as the Department.
i) (a) In revised Paper I , it is not clear that whichc Acts / Departmental books should be consulted for preparation relating to Inland & Foreign Posts, Mail Operations, Money Remittances, Savings bank Schemes & Certificates, RPLI / PLI.
(b) It is also not clear which books/materials are to be consulted for preparation regarding Organization of Department, Office Procedure & Material management for optimum utilization of network, Establishment & Administrative matters.
ii) In respect of revised Paper II the syllabus is clear in respect of all items except “Accounts”. Normally accounts is covered under FRs & SRs and FHBs. In addition to FRs & SRs and FHBs, it is not understood why “ Accounts” has been mentioned separately.
iii) As per CCS (CCA) Rules 1965, an official placed under suspension is eligible to appear in Departmental examination. As such, condition as mentioned in the Directorate’s memo cited above that “No adverse entry in the APAR / ACR in the last five years” is contradictory to the instructions contained in CCS (CCA) Rules 1965.
iv) The number of vacancies identified for Sr. P.M. and PS Group" B” for the year 2011 has not been notified.
v) Since the revised pattern of the examination is new to the candidates, the Association requests the Department to circulate a model question paper in respect of Paper I & II of Sr. P.M. and PS Group “B” for the benefit of the officials.
It is therefore, requested to kindly issue necessary clarifications on the points mentioned above immediately before conduct of P.S. Group “B” examination scheduled to be held on 15.05.2011.
Yours sincerely,
(Roop Chand)
General Secretary
Quota of General Line in PS Group "B" Examination
No. CHQ/PS Gr B - GL/2011 Dated 28.03.2011
The Director General
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, N Delhi 110001
Sub: Quota of General Line in PS Group “B” Examination – reg.
Ref: Postal Directorate Memo No. A-34012/02/2010-DE dated 16.03.2011
Respected Madam,
The present Recruitment Rules of PS Group “B” provides 6% of posts to General Line officials to be filled up through LDCE. Now, on introduction of Postmaster cadre carved out from General Line, 25% posts in Sr. P.M. cadre have been earmarked for HSG I General Line officials through promotion. Hence, out of 116 posts of Senior Postmaster, 29 posts have been given to General Line with out reducing their share in PS Group “B” cadre. This has adversely affected the promotional avenues of IP Line officers.
In view of above fats, it is requested to kindly reduce 6% share of General Line officials to 3% in order to compensate IP Line before notifying the vacancies for the ensuing PS Group “B examination scheduled to be held on 15.05.2011.
A positive action will be highly appreciated.
Yours sincerely,
(Roop Chand)
General Secretary
The Director General
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, N Delhi 110001
Sub: Quota of General Line in PS Group “B” Examination – reg.
Ref: Postal Directorate Memo No. A-34012/02/2010-DE dated 16.03.2011
Respected Madam,
The present Recruitment Rules of PS Group “B” provides 6% of posts to General Line officials to be filled up through LDCE. Now, on introduction of Postmaster cadre carved out from General Line, 25% posts in Sr. P.M. cadre have been earmarked for HSG I General Line officials through promotion. Hence, out of 116 posts of Senior Postmaster, 29 posts have been given to General Line with out reducing their share in PS Group “B” cadre. This has adversely affected the promotional avenues of IP Line officers.
In view of above fats, it is requested to kindly reduce 6% share of General Line officials to 3% in order to compensate IP Line before notifying the vacancies for the ensuing PS Group “B examination scheduled to be held on 15.05.2011.
A positive action will be highly appreciated.
Yours sincerely,
(Roop Chand)
General Secretary
Holding of DPC for regular promotion in PS Group "B" cadre
No. CHQ/PS Gr “B”/2011 Dated 28.03.2011
The Director General
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, N Delhi 110001
Sub: Holding of DPC for regular promotion in PS Group “B” cadre – reg.
Ref: Directorate letter No. 9-1/2011-SPG dated 12.01.2011
Respected Madam,
Postal Directorate has called for ACRs/APARs and vigilance clearance reports from all Circles for the year 2011 vide reference above. As per Model Calendar for DPCs vide DOP&T O.M. No. 22011/9/98-Estt.(D) dt. 08.09.1998 and latest instructions issued vide No. 22011/1/2011-Estt(D) dt. 11.03.2011 and No. 22011/3/2011-Estt(D) dt. 24.03.2011, the approved select panel for the vacancies of 2011 should have been ready by 31.12.2010. By this time in March 2011, the process of documentation for 2012 should have been on the verge of completion for holding DPC by 31.08.2011.
It is evident from the above that the process of DPC is not at all undertaken as per the prescribed guidelines of DOP&T (Nodal Department). Due to delay in holding of DPC, Circles are resorting to adhoc promotions in PS Group “B” cadre and many senior ASPs are retiring from service with out getting promotion into PS Group “B”.
It is therefore, urged upon that action may be initiated to hold DPC for the year 2011 and 2012 and to get approved select panel ready in time for the above years so that there remains no need for circles to resort to adhoc promotions in PS Group “B” cadre.
Yours sincerely,
(Roop Chand)
General Secretary
The Director General
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, N Delhi 110001
Sub: Holding of DPC for regular promotion in PS Group “B” cadre – reg.
Ref: Directorate letter No. 9-1/2011-SPG dated 12.01.2011
Respected Madam,
Postal Directorate has called for ACRs/APARs and vigilance clearance reports from all Circles for the year 2011 vide reference above. As per Model Calendar for DPCs vide DOP&T O.M. No. 22011/9/98-Estt.(D) dt. 08.09.1998 and latest instructions issued vide No. 22011/1/2011-Estt(D) dt. 11.03.2011 and No. 22011/3/2011-Estt(D) dt. 24.03.2011, the approved select panel for the vacancies of 2011 should have been ready by 31.12.2010. By this time in March 2011, the process of documentation for 2012 should have been on the verge of completion for holding DPC by 31.08.2011.
It is evident from the above that the process of DPC is not at all undertaken as per the prescribed guidelines of DOP&T (Nodal Department). Due to delay in holding of DPC, Circles are resorting to adhoc promotions in PS Group “B” cadre and many senior ASPs are retiring from service with out getting promotion into PS Group “B”.
It is therefore, urged upon that action may be initiated to hold DPC for the year 2011 and 2012 and to get approved select panel ready in time for the above years so that there remains no need for circles to resort to adhoc promotions in PS Group “B” cadre.
Yours sincerely,
(Roop Chand)
General Secretary
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