Smt.Karuna Pillai,Chief PMG
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Monday, September 19, 2011

7 Consolidation of Members comments on Revised proposal on IP Grade Pay

Radha Krishna P said...
It is not a wise proposal. ASP should retain the gazetted status. The CHQ may revise it in such a way to merge the ASP and Group-B cadres with grade pay of Rs.4800/- and Gr-B may be given as per DPC. The IP may be given Rs.4600-00 GP as demanded earlier.
Govinda raju said...
it is good proposal,
S.V.L.N.Rao said...
If we want to go along with central excise and income tax inspectiors , there is no alternate except merger of IP and ASP. With this youngers will get maximum benefit and some of the seniors will also get benefit by MACP. All will be benefited by bonus by loosing green ink. When there is benefit for large members cann't we loose little. S.V.L.N.Rao 9490164853
Srinivas Avasarala said...
it is a good proposal
kumar said...
Green pen or Greenery in form of money for a larger group, Hope , larger section will go with greenery . One of the best proposal ...
rubul said...
It is not a good proposal.
s.gopala krishna, ip eluru north subdvn said...
All are requested to go through the opinion of the Circle Secretary, IP/ASP association, Orissa circle, in orissa circle ipasp blog. Though i do not fully agree with his version, it is true that delay has taken place in putting forth the proposal of merger of these two cadres, which almost looked inevitable since long, as the department was not ready to merge ASP/Gr-B cadres. Even in vizianagaram conference we have passed the resolution in favour of this merger in the presence of respected Sri. Samuel ji. Therefore,I don't find any need for this opinion poll again,at this stage. I request our association(CHQ) not to delay the case further. I request elders to excuse me if i am harsh in writing in this way. S.Gopala Krishna, IP, Eluru North sub dvn.
Money is not the only thing in the world!! Many senior officers are retiring as ASP only because of the governMENTAL policies. Let the seniors have the solace that they retired as Gazetted Officers!
sureshkumar said...
This is not an issue of green ink or bonus. we should always demand for additional benefits and higher status. Ok.We accept for withdrawal of gazetted status for merger, are we sure that we will get bonus. If so,presume that,a new proposal will be put before us to accept redesignation of IP/ASP as Sub divisional Postmaster for granting one increment. Shall we agree? I could not understand the technical problem for continuing the gezetted status to the proposed merger cadre and why we are not thinking so. Is is not benefit to large members? Let us see the out come of CWC meeting.
sureshkumar said...
I could not understand the technical problem for continuing the gazetted status to the merger cadre and why we are not thinking so.let us see the out come of CWC meeting..Sureshkumar.jt.mgr.SPC.Hyd.16
Raghunadha Swamy said...
Let us all think wisely and understand where do we stand in the process of upgradation of IPs. We are cheated time and again. Why do we waste time in discussing such issues in the CWC/conferences when we change our stand according to the requirements of the Administration. No discussion is required as decision will be based solely on the requirements of the day and on the officer expecting such requirement. Earlier, a decision was taken to merge the post of ASP with SP deviating our earlier stand of merging IP with ASP.The leaders should explain why was there a deviation and what they achieved from such a deviation. Instead, they achieved loss of precious time.Can any CWC member make the members understand what is going on on the issue. I am strongly of the view of losing something for getting something. Instead fight for more benefits. I strongly believe that such a change in our stand will give the administration a different opinion on the association and we will not be able to resolve any of our issues in future because we are agreeable to everything what the administration requires us to do even if they are not in the interest of the members.
IPO said...
I want to thank our leaders for good proposal after long time. I request all of us to think wisely and with broader aspect. i think we should move ahead without further delay as we already have lost precious time
Govinda raju said...
dont think about the gazette status, think about the future difference, if this difference is agreed in future their will be a great loss in finacially. so please go with the proposal,it is very good proposal
It is a good proposal. All most all the members will be benefited by means of up gradation of Grade Pay or MACP or PL Bonus or transfer to a nearest willing place in the proposed merged cadre. Further delay in submission will earn nothing. If possible, retention of Gazetted status may be proposed to the officials those who have already awarded with the status. A.V.N.NARASIMHA RAO, Inspector Posts, Eluru South Sub Division, ELURU 534001.
Santosh Chakraborty said...
It is a good proposal. Let us surrender Gazetted status as it has given us nothing but snatched away the benefit of Bonus. S. Chakraborty, ASP(HQ) Agartala, N.E. Circle.
Santosh Chakraborty said...
It is a good proposal. Let us surrender Gazetted status which gave us nothing but snatched away the bonus. Rather this proposal will bring abenefit to our junior friends.
Santosh Chakraborty said...
It is a good proposal. Let us surrender the Gazetted status which gave us nothing but snatched away our bonus at least once in a year. On the other hand this proposal will benefit our younger friends.
AnilAmbedkar said...
It is a Good Proposal But, Gazetted status should not be withdrawn beacause:- (a) Every one including pay commissions will recognise you with that status and the pay will also be fixed based on that. Like our ASPs pay increased in 6th CPC. (b) conferring Gazetted status after completion of 5 years service in IP cadre may be considered. By any way Gazetted status should not be withdrawn because, Govt may have wicked plans in this proposal. Once withdrawn we cannot fight later. Have u seen any cadre fighting for removal of Gazetted status ? I dont know ? -DAA Kumar, IP, Bhimavaram


  1. It is true that the CHQ changed its stand very quickly and by doing so, it has degraded itself before the Administration. At the same time, we all should understand that when the earlier proposal appears to have reached the dead lock stage,then there is no option for the association, but to search for the possible alternatives. No doubt, there is complete disagreement between IPs and ASPs about losing the Gazetted Status, as ASPs are losing their social status as a Gazetted Officer. So every ASP will definitely feel bad in the short term

    I, personally is of the opinion that DoP is not an influential Department and within the Dept itself, IP/ASP cadre is not having sufficient strength to get the things done. So, I feel, when we are not strong enough to dictate the terms to DoP/Central Govt, it is better to stand at the side of stronger players like Income Tax/Central Excise etc, so that we also get the benefits along with them. I therefore, completely vote for bringing our cadre on par with these Departments, which will definitely prove to be a wise decision in long term, even though some Seniors feel pain for the time being. Otherwise, the future IPs/ASPs may again have to face the same problem after 7th/8th pay commission and then we all will have to share the blame for not handling the issue with a futuristic view.

  2. I agree with the opinion of CS orissa circle?
    Please think what we have gained by gazzeted status, only authority of green ink. i dont know why we want to stick to it. Also there is no way that merger of ASP and Gr B cadre will be accepted as there is no similarity in these cadre w.r.t. work and responsibility. Also may be we will face opposition from PS gr B cadre for merger of ASP and PS Gr B. and we have already tried for this proposal and lost precious time. so it will be wise to move ahead with merger of IP and ASP cadre without wasting time.

  3. I agree with the opinion of above commented officer. Gazetted status is exercised on other works other than departmental correspondence. As in Tamilnadu Circle, attestation made by ASPOs on copy of 10th Marks card not accepted by the College authorities, as ASPOs are not authorised gazetted officers. Because, after implementing the Gazetted status to ASPOs, the Department can take action to publish the matter in Gazette Notification of Central Government. But, in our case, this action not taken by our Department.
    Hence only benefit from the Gazetted status is reimbursement of monthly Newspaper bill for Rs.120/- to Rs.150/- only. for this benefit, all the ASPOs will lose the PL Bonus of Rs.7000/- every year. Kindly think what is the logic in this for getting the Gazetted status.
    Kindly go ahead for the merger of IP & ASP cadre immediately with the fixation benefits.
    ASP from Karnataka Circle.

  4. Let us wait for the CAT Ernakulam judgement

  5. let us wait for the CAT Ernakulam judgement

  6. I am seconding the openion of sri Anil Ambedkar"s openion IP Bhimavaram.At present even,HM of ZPHS is Gazetted why not IP or ASP a officer of Postal Administration of 8 or 10 Mandals. Same responsibility of IP when compared to ASP in the sub dvn. Why the objection to merge the both cadres. Association to take immediate steps. IPs are not requesting to ignore the seniority of ASP but there is need to merge both cadres.
    From K.P.Ravi Babu IP Rayachoty (YSR)District.

  7. Please think of our decisiions taken earlier and how much the members were helped by the association. The only thinking that wast of green ink is foolishness. Fight for the rights,
    One Headmaster who looks after a school is given the status of Gazeeted rank.
    One MDO who looks after the welfare of one Mandal is given the status of Gazetted rank.
    What is the use of IP looking after 6 to 7 Mandals.
    Are we not having any blood in us. Think of fighting for the rights what we have to get. Do not of think of loose what we have.
