Copy of D.G.Posts letter No. 6-5/2011-D Dated 20-10-2011
The matter relating to the administrative control over Speed Post Centres/Sorting Hubs falling under existing Postal or RMS division was raised by the staff side and was under consideration of this Directorate.
It has been decided that the issues of administrative control over Speed Post Centres/Sorting hubs in terms of placing under the administrative jurisdiction of Senior Superintendent/Superintendent of a Postal or RMS Division of a Postal or RMs Division maybe decided by the CPMG concerned taking into account local needs, administrative convenience and effective monitoring.
Source :r3chq.blogspot
ReplyDeleteAlready spcs are administrative control of ssp/sp/ssrm/srm.Then What is the new proposal?.Time has come to keep spcs incharge of a group B officer. Hope ensuing CWC at vijayawada wl discuss and putup proposal before cpmg well before cpmg takes decision asper dte instructions.Revenue generated by spc concerned may be kept inview for upgradation. tks.---yj sarma