Smt.Karuna Pillai,Chief PMG
Welcome to the news blog of Andhra Pradesh Postal Circle.


Monday, September 8, 2008

0 CHQ News Bulletin

News letter No.02/2009

Dear friends,

Sub: Visit to Directorate on 21st to 23rd January 2009


Visited Directorate along with our CHQ Treasurer, Sri.S.Ravi & our former President Sri.P.R.Satyanarayanan (now Retd.). Called on the Secretary (Posts) on 21st January 2009 and expressed my gratitude for the concern shown by the respected Madam on our cadre.1. The matter regarding delay in convening DPC for promotion to the cadre of PS Group ‘B’ was brought to the notice of DG and a Memorandum was given requesting the Department to convene DPC early and release the list by June every year to suit to the academic needs of our wards. Copy of the letter is attached.

2. The problem relating to claiming of TA/DA by producing ‘food bill’ was also discussed in detail with DG, Member (P) & DDG (Estt.). We have already taken up the case during November 2008. The Department has also strongly recommended our demand and sent letter to Ministry of Finance requesting to issue orders for waiver of food bill. But the Finance Ministry refused to budge in. There was enormous pressure from other Departments and Ministries also. We presented another Memorandum on 21st January 2009 to reconsider the case. IPs & ASPs are touring extensively in rural areas. They are compelled to take food in the hotels/food courts in villages which are normally substandard and unhygienic. They do not issue cash receipt/bills. In the absence of food bills we cannot claim the TA/DA. We are the most affected lot. So we required DG to once again take up the case with Finance Ministry. Copy of our letter dated 21.1.09 is attached for your information. Our demand was accepted and the Ministry of Finance has issued orders to the effect that Daily Allowance can be claimed at old rates if food bills are not produced and DA can be claimed at new rates if food bills are produced. Copy of the Memo No.19030/3/2008-E.IV dated 22.1.09 received from Ministry of Finance is attached.

3. The following cases have also been taken up with the Department for early settlement:(a) Up-gradation of 240 posts – implementation of Second Cadre review recommendations. (II CRC)(b) Early finalisation of DPC for promotion to the cadre of Group ‘Á’(JTS)(c) Permission for reimbursement of mobile phone recharge coupon to IP/ASP of all Circle, uniformly.

4. Re-organisation of Sub DivisionsThere is a proposal in the Department to place all Sub Divisions under the control of ASPs. The existing Sub Divisional Inspectors will be attached to respective Divisions. In this process around 450 Sub Divisions which are presently manned by Inspectors will be upgraded to ASP, Sub Division. ASP, Sub Division will be wholly incharge of administrative work. He/She will be allotted inspection work to certain percentage. The remaining work related to inspection and visits will be fully allotted to the IPs attached to Divisions. All the posts of ASP (HQ) will be shifted to Sub Divisions. ASP (HQ) will be manned by Inspector Posts with the redesignation – Inspector (Admin). All the post of ASP (OD) or ASP(R) will remain with Divisional office as it is. Writing CRs, sanction of GPF and power like such will be conferred on all ASP, Sub Divisions. All Sub Divisions will be provided with Lap-top. ASP, Sub Divisions will be conferred with certain amount of Administrative and financial powers. This matter was discussed with me in detail by the officers in Directorate.Suggestions and views are invited from Circle Secretary & all Members of our Association.

5. Upgradation of Pay ScalesWe have already presented a Memorandum in detail regarding the pay anomaly, arisen out of implementaion of 6th Central Pay Commission. Now the Government of India has issued orders to form Anomaly Committee by the respective Department headed by an Officer not below the rank of Joint Secretary & to settle all pay related anomalies within a period of 6 months. An Anomaly Committee will be constituted by our Department very soon. We have to present our case before the Committee. A Memorandum addressed to the Chairman, Pay Anomaly Committee, Department of Posts is prepared for presentation. Copy of the same is attached for information to all members.

Your General Secretary was earlier allotted to Maharashtra Circle on promotion to PS Group ‘B’ cadre. Now the order has been modified and allotted to Postal Directorate. I am likely to join as AD (Rural Business) in the Directorate during the month of March 2009.Wish you all the best.

(S.Samuel)General Secretary

CHQ News letter No.01/2009

Dear friends,

First of all I wish you all a happy and prosperous new Year 2009.

Promotion to PS Group B by nomination: Promotion order to PS Group B for 146 IP/ASP have since been issued by the Department of Posts in Memo No. 9-31/2008-SPG dated 26.12.2008. Confidential Reports were called for during April 2008. DPC was convened only after 8 months ie. on 25.11.2008. Promotion order was issued after a gap of one month i.e on 26.12.2008. The department has promoted some ASPs who have already passed PS Group B exam and some of them have already retired from service. This is the standard and quality of functioning of the highest body of the 154 years old prestigious Postal Department. Many officers at Member level are promoted and posted to the Directorate at the fag end of their service only for grabbing the benefit of pay, perks and retirement benefit and not for really serving the nation. From the day no.1 in the Directorate either they are on internal tour or external tour. They never bother about official working under them. That is why several of our members have retired without seeing the promotion to PS Group B. Had the promotion order been issued well in advance or at least during November 2008, the remaining promoted officers would have tasted the benefit of drawing the annual increment on 01st July 2009. Since the order was issued on 26.12.2008. all the promotee officers will have to join the new posts only after January 2009 and thus they have lost the benefit of drawing annual increment 1st July 2009. Now these officers can draw the increment only the next year i.e. on 1st July 2010. What a wonder department it is!Alas! Your GS also one among the less fortunates.The last candidate selectedOC - Shri.S.P.Chaurasia of 1982 Batch.SC - Shri. Abhimanyu Bahara of 1986 BatchST - Shri. M.Devidas of 1982 Batch

2.Setting up of Anomaly Committee:-

Anomaly Committee is being constituted by the Government vide Memo No.11/2/2008-JCA dated 12 January 2008 to settle the disputes arising out of implementation of Sixth Central Pay Commission. We have already discussed the anomalies pertaining to our cadre with DG and other officers in the Directorate and also submitted a memorandum describing the details of anomaly. Hope the Department will give due consideration to our demands and render justice. GS will visit Dak Bhavan from 21 to 23 January 2009. This will be brought to the notice of DG once again.

3.Non- Payment of CHQ Quota of subscription:

We are all eagerly awaiting up-gradation of Grade Pay. We question the CHQ often about the delay in getting higher grade pay for IP/ASP. We expect a lot from the Association. It is good. Every one of us has the right to expect something from the Association but forget our obligation. We have to introspect ourselves whether we pay subscription to the Association. If subscription is recovered, whether 40% of the same is remitted to CHQ? Many of the Circle Secretaries are keeping mum on this issue. They are not remitting 40% to CHQ for the past 12 months. Some of the circles have paid only a small amount as a token payment. In the absence of financial support, how can the CHQ function? How can the Circle Secretaries demand higher pay? If we fail in our duty, how can we achieve anything in our life? Please introspect! Circle Secretaries are requested to tour each division, collect donation and improve the circle financial status. Who knows, tomorrow we may like to knock the doors of the courts seeking justice for which a huge sum is required. CHQ does not expect any donation from circles. It wants only the 40% quota of subscription due from each circle.

4.Provision of pension at 50% of emoluments last drawnThe provision of payment of pension at 50% of the emoluments (pay last drawn) or 50% of average emoluments received during the last 10 months, whichever is more beneficial to the retiring employee, shall be applicable to all Government servants retiring on or after 1.1.2006. However, only those government servants , who retired during 1.1.2006 to 1.9.2008 after completion of 33 years of qualifying service, will be eligible for full pension and the pension of those government servants, who retired during 1.1.2006 to 1.9.2008 with qualifying service of less than 33 years, will continue to be proportionate to the full pension based on their actual qualifying service.(Auth: Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions OM No. F.No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 11.12.2008.
5.Entitlement of Daily Allowances on Tour (with effect from 1.9.2008)-
( As per Swamy’s FR & SR part II)1. Absence from headquarters on calendar day basis, i.e, from midnight to midnight.Absence not exceeding 6 hours - NilAbsence exceeding 6 hours but not exceeding 12 hours - 70%Absence exceeding 12 hours - 100%2. For local journey, D.A is only at half the rate.3. No D.A for Sundays and Holidays unless the employee is actually is actually and not merely constructively on camp. No D.A for leave and restricted holidays availed while on tour – SR 72, GIO(1).4. Full D.A is admissible for the first 180 days of continuous halt at a station on tour/temporary transfer/training. No D.A beyond 180 days.The above are the basic Rules which have not been changed so far. Then what is rate of Daily Allowance? It is prescribed by the Sixth Pay Commission as “Food Bill per day not exceeding Rs 150/-“ for those who are drawing Grade Pay Rs 4200 to 4800. This is the rate of D.A now.In the implementation order No.19030/3/2008-E.IV dated 23.9.2008, it is said that in case of stay/journey on Government ships, boats etc. or journey to remote places on foot/mules etc.for scientific/data collection purposes in organization like FSI, Survey of India, GSI etc. daily allowance will be paid at rate equivalent to that provided for re-imbursement of food bill. However, in this case, the amount will be sanctioned irrespective of the actual expenditure incurred on this account with the approval of the Head of the Department/controlling officer. Head of the Department/ Controlling Officer is competent to pass the bill.Data collection means collection of statistics. Are we not collecting statistics while inspection of BOs/SOs in rural area? Many department had referred the matter to Finance Ministry for clarification whether food bill should be produced or not. For which the Finance Ministry has not give any clear reply. The Government has not mentioned the names of all the department, but mentioned like this “ FSI, Survey of India, GSI etc. The abbreviation “etc” includes Department of Posts also. T.A bills in some Divisions have been passed. In some Divisions all T.A.bills are kept in pending since 01.9.2008.This issue has been taken up with the Directorate on 5.11.2008 and from there it has been referred to the Ministry of Finance.I am posted as Deputy Director, Mumbai GPO. But I have not seen the order so far even after 20 days of its issue. In such a rotten condition, all Circle Offices are also functioning like Directorate.Thanking you,More news will follow.

(S.Samuel) General Secretary

6-10-08: All India CWC meeting was held on 4/5.10.08 at Kanchipuram. SK. Shabbir, CS, Y. Venkateswarly, OGS, S. Prasada Rao, ASP, Raghunath Swamy, IP, SVLN Rao, IP and N.R. Ramakrishna, IP were attended. About 40 members attended. Discussions were held on upgradation of IP & ASP Scales and the following resoluations were passed.

1. Upgradation of IP scale as Rs.7450/- ASP scale Rs.7500/- and SP Rs.8000/- with pay grades 4600/-, 4800/- and 5400/- respectively.

2. Increment date shoud be 1st January and Ist July.

3. Bonus for all employees covered under PB-1 & PB-2.

Copy of letter from GS on 6 CPC anomalies
Dear Friends,As soon as the Pay Commission Report was released on 24.3.2008, we sent a representation to Secretary (Posts) on 07.4.2008 telling that the Pay scales of BCR PA and IP have been merged and a grade pay of Rs 4200/- has been recommended. This will create functional disturbances in the field.Further the pay scale of JAO has been upgraded at par with ASP. The post of ASP is a gazetted post and having a lot of responsibilities. So, the pay scale of ASP should be at least at par with AAO i.e 7500/-While all the cadres have been given upgradation of pay scale one step further,the cadre of PS Gr B is completely neglected by placing them in the same pay scale with out any upgradation. PS Gr B officers are the Divisional heads and controlling more than 600 officials. Their pay scale should not be equated with AAO and need upgradation to 8000- with grade pay of Rs 5400/-.My self and CHQ Treasurer Shri. S.Ravi and Shri.R.D.Sharma Circle Secretary Delhi had a discussion with the Deptl. committee which has been set up set up for examining the anomalies on 10.4.08 and explained in detail. We also met Member (P)and had a discussion in detail on 11.4.2008. Now the department has accepted our demand and recommended to the high power committee formed by the Govt.Details are being published in the PI.I have been promoted to PS Group B on adhoc basis and posted as Supdt. PSD, Chennai-600010. You may send all your correspondence to the new address.Dte. has called for the CRs of IP belonging to 1981 and 1982 batch. All are requested to liaise with Circle Office and expedite sending of CRs to Dte. sothat DPC for PS Gr B can be convened in time.

Circular No. 01/2008 dated 8-2-08

Dear friends,

I am very much thankful to you all for having reposed faith in me and elected me as General Secretary for the third time in the 35th All India Conference held at Kolkata from 23rd to 25th January 2008.

1. 35th All India Conference, Kolkata:

The biennial conference of our Association was held at held at Pantha Niwas, Gora Bazaar, Dum Dum Cantt., Kolkata 700028 West Bengal from 23rd to 25th January 2008. Pre-Conference CWC Meeting was held on 23.1.2008 in the same venue. West Bengal Circle Branch of our Association made elaborate arrangements for the successful conduct of the conference. Out of 22 circles delegates from 19 circles attended the conference. There was no representation from 3 circles viz. J&K, Gujarat and Uttaranchal. Around 300 delegates participated in the conference. Women members registered presence enthusiastically and also participated in the deliberations. All the women IP/ASPs were honoured. The following senior members who have since been retired /promoted to PS Group “B” were felicitated.

S/ shri

1. V.Narasimhan, ASP (Retd) and former CHQ Treasurer.

2. G.P.Lahiri, ASP (Retd) and former President, CHQ.

3. Sushil Kumar, ASP (Retd) and former Vice President, CHQ.

4. P.R.Satyanarayanan, SP (PSD), Chennai and former President, CHQ.

In the open session held on 25th January 2008 under the presidentship of Shri Deepak Bhattacharya, Chairman Dum Dum Municipal Corporation. Shri S. Sarkar, Chief Postmaster General, West Bengal Circle and GS delivered key note address. Leaders from various sister unions also addressed the gathering. We had a rare opportunity to witness a cultural program performed by Vishwa Bharti, Shanthi Niketan troop after the open session. It was marvelous and will ever remain in our heart.


2. The following members have been elected as CHQ office bearers and CWC members.

PresidentS.B.Mahapatra, Senior Postmaster, Bhubaneswar GPOBhubaneswar – 751001 (Orissa)Vice President IP.R.Parodhi, Head Postmaster, Andheri H.O., Mumbai 400053

Vice President IIAshok Kumar Koley, Head Postmaster, Beleghata H.O.Kolkata 700010

General SecretaryS.Samuel, ASP, Kanchipuram Division, Kanchipuram 631501

Asst.General Secretary IN.K.Soni, ASP (Inv), Circle Office, Bhopal 462012

Asst.General Secretary IIU.C.Prasad, ASP, South West Sub Division, Patna 800004 (Bihar)

Asst.General Secretary IIIDinesh Kare, ASP, Karwar Sub Division, Karwar 581401(Karnataka)

Asst.General Secretary IVL.N.Mahato, Inspector Posts, Baloda Bazaar Sub Division,Baloda Bazaar – 493332 (Chattisgarh)

Organising Secretary IRoop Chand, ASP, Sub Division, Rohini, New Delhi – 110085

Organising Secretary IIY.Venkateshwaralu, ASP(R), O/o SPOs, Hanamkonda 506001 (AP)

Organising Secretary IIIM.L.Gulati, Manager, SPCC, Chandigarh 160017

Organising Secretary IVVenunathan Pillai, Postmaster, Kollam 691001, Kerala

Organising Secretary VKomal Singh, Inspector Posts, Etah Sub Division, Etah 207001 (UP)

TreasurerS.Ravi, ASP(HQ), Airmail Sorting Division, Chennai – 600027

Asst. TreasurerN.M.Mali, ASP(HQ), O/o SPOs, Beawar 305901(Rajasthan)

Shri N.K.Singh, Inspector Posts, Lohardaga, 835302 Jharkhand was appointed as auditor.

3. Thanks to West Bengal Circle:The members of West Bengal Circle have worked hard and extended their full co-operation by physical and financial help. We thank Shri Nirmalya Mitra Circle Secretary, Shri Ananda Chakraborty, Secretary Reception Committee, Shri A.K.Koley, VP, CHQ, Shri Arup Seal, Shri Utsa Dey, former AGS, Shri G.P.Lahiry former President CHQ, Shri Vinod Mandal, ASP and every member of the reception committee for their dedicated and sincere service and hospitality during the conference.

4. Campaign against non-implementation of Second CRC:

All Circle Secretaries brought signatures obtained and postcards written by our members addressed to Hon’ble Prime Minister of India demanding early implementation of Second CRC recommendations. They were all dispatched to Hon’ble Prime Minister in one lot from the venue of the All India Conference.

5. Campaign for Trade Union Rights and Collective Bargaining Rights:

All participants wearing T Shirts with slogan “Trade Union Rights” and “Collective Bargaining Rights” attended the open session drawing the attention of media and the members of public. It was an unique scene and first of its kind in the annals of our Association.

6. Resolutions:

The following resolutions were passed unanimously in the AIC.Resolved that:

i) an honorarium of Rs. 5000/- may be granted to adhoc disciplinary authority.

ii) the incentive of Rs 25/- paid now to IP/ASP for RPLI work may be increased to Rs 125/- per lakh of sum assured.

iii) The Sub Divisional Heads may be relieved of BD/RPLI works and separate posts of IP/ASP may be created exclusively for BD/RPLI works in each Division.


iv) The proposed PS Group B examination scheduled to be held on 16/17.2.2008 suffers several inconsistencies as highlighted in the representation of the Association dated 12.11.2007 addressed to the D.G. Department of Posts evoked no response. The All India Conference, Kolkata unanimously resolved that the examination be postponed till deficiencies are reconciled.

v) The Sub Divisional Heads may provided with full fledged office, assistance and till such time the work may be allowed to be outsourced for which an allowance of Rs 5000/- per month may be granted.

vi) Inspector cadre is a circle cadre and Inspector Posts recruited through staff selection commission should be allotted to home Circle in view of the special nature of duties required to be performed by them

.7. Amendments to the Constitution:

The following amendments suggested were unanimously approved in the AIC.

Part I (General)Clause 10.

Sanction of expenditure:


(i) All expenses of recurring nature and of an item of expenditure beyond Rs. 500/- shall be incurred by the General Secretary with the sanction of the Working Committee.

(ii) In emergent cases, the General Secretary may spend such sum of money not exceeding Rs.100/- with the previous sanction of the President or the Vice PresidentProposed:(i) All expenses of recurring nature and of an item of expenditure beyond Rs. 1000/-shall be incurred by the General Secretary with the sanction of the WorkingCommittee.(ii) In emergent cases, the General Secretary may spend such sum of money notexceeding Rs.1000/- with the previous sanction of the President or the VicePresidentPart III (Circle Association)Clause 38: Subscription:Present:Subscription: The annual subscription shall be Rs. 240/- per member, payable monthly through check off system by deductions from the salaries by Drawing & Disbursing Officers (DDOs) @ Rs. 20/- per month. However in case of new members or the members whose subscription is not deducted from salaries by the DDOs for any reason, the subscriptions of such members will be collected by the authorized Circle Branch office bearer/ Treasurer through receipt to be issued for any such amount. The 40% of the subscription will be remitted to CHQ and the remaining 60% to Circle Branch.Proposed:Subscription: The annual subscription shall be Rs. 360/- per member, payable monthly through check off system by deductions from the salaries by Drawing & Disbursing Officers (DDOs) @ Rs. 30/- per month. However in case of new members or the members whose subscription is not deducted from salaries by the DDOs for any reason, the subscriptions of such members will be collected by the authorized Circle Branch office bearer/ Treasurer through receipt to be issued for any such amount. The 40% of the subscription will be remitted to CHQ and the remaining 60% to Circle Branch.-4-8. P.S. Group “B” examination:

Some of the IP/ASP in Tamilnadu Circle and Bihar Circle have a filed case against conducting of PS Group “B” examination scheduled to be held on 16th and 17th February 2008 under OA 64/2008 before CAT, Madras bench and OA 52/2008 before CAT, Patna bench. The case was taken up for hearing before CAT, Madras on 07.02.2008. The Hon’ble CAT, Madras declined to stay the conduct of the examination but passed an order to release the result subject to the outcome of the OA 64/2008. As such the examination will be held accordingly.OA 52/2008 was taken up for hearing before CAT, Patna on 05.02.2008 and the department has sought time to file reply on 12.02.2008. Outcome of the hearing will be known only on 12.02.2008.

9. West Bengal Circle Conference:The 41st Circle Conference of West Bengal Circle was held on 26th January 2008 at Kolkata. Shri Ananda Chakraborty, ASP, South Kolkata II Sub Division, New Alipore, Kolkata 700053 and Shri Nirmalya Mitra, ASP (Planning), Circle Office, Kolkata 700012 have been elected as Circel President and Circle Secretary respectively.

10. Gazette Notification of ASPs:Gazetted status was conferred to ASPs with effect from 28.07.2005. But their names were not published in the Gazette of India. The matter was taken up with Directorate by the Association vide letter no. CHQ/IASP/02 dt. 06.12.2007. The department has now issued orders vide letter no. 4-18/2007-SPB-II dt. 10.01.2008 directing all circle heads to notify appointments of ASPs in the Gazette of India.PI is under issue. More news will follow. Looking forward to serve you better in the coming days.

Yours sincerely,


General Secretary


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