Sri P.Chidambaram, Hon'ble Minister of Finance has announced that the Pay Commission recommendations will be implemented before 30.09.08. It was decided during the cabinet committee held on11-4-08 to appoint a high power committee to examine implementation of pay commission recommendations.Inspector (Posts) : 7.6.14Postal Inspectors in Department of Posts have demanded a higher pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 on par with Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT/CBEC as well as Assistants of Central Secretariat Service (CCS) on the ground that they are recruited through the same examination. The Commission is recommending the merge of pre-revised pay scales of Rs.5500-9000 and Rs.6500-10500 which will automatically bring Inspector (Posts) on par with Assistants in CCS/Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT and CBEC. With this upgradation, Inspector(Posts) shall come to lie in an identical pay scale as that of their promotion post of Assistant Superintendent (Posts) [ASPOs]. ASPOs shall, accordingly, be placed in the next higher pay scale of Rs.7450-11500 corresponding to the revised pay band PB-2 of Rs.8700-34800 along with grade pay of Rs.4600. The next higher post in the hierarchy, that of Superintendent (Post), which is also a promotion post for ASPOs, shall be placed in the pay scale of Rs.7500-12000 corresponding to the revised pay band PB-2 of Rs.8700-34800 along with grade pay of Rs.4800. Parity exists between the posts of Inspector (Posts) and Inspectors in Mail Motor Service (MMS). This parity would need to be maintained and Assistant Manager, Mail Motor service shall be placed in the higher grade of Rs.7450-11500 whose corresponding replacement pay band and grade pay is PB-2 of Rs.8700-34800 along with a grade pay of Rs.4600. Similarly , Manager, Mail Motor Service shall be placed in PB-2 pay band of Rs.8700-34800 along with a grade pay of Rs.4800 which corresponds to the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.7500-12000.
Pay Scales
Pre-revised scale(S-10) Revised Pay Band PB-2 + Grade PayRs.5500-175-9000 Rs.8700-34800 + Rs.4200-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Basic Pay in the --- Revised pay inthe --- Grade Pay --- Total Paypre-revised scale---running pay band ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5,500 ---------------------9,570-------------- 4,200 ------------13,7705,675----------------------9,880 --------------4,200 ------------14,0805,850-------------------- 10,180-------------- 4,200------------ 14,3806,025-------------------- 10,490-------------- 4,200------------ 14,6906,200-------------------- 10,790-------------- 4,200------------ 14,9906,375--------------------- 11,100-------------- 4,200------------ 15,3006,550--------------------- 11,400-------------- 4,200------------15,6006,725----------------------11,710-------------- 4,200------------ 15,9106,900---------------------12,010---------------4,200------------ 16,2107,075----------------------12,320--------------4,200------------ 16,5207,250--------------------- 12,620-------------- 4,200------------ 16,8207,425--------------------- 12,920-------------- 4,200-------------17,1207,600--------------------- 13,230-------------- 4,200-------------17,4307,775---------------------- 13,530-------------- 4,200-------------17,7307,950---------------------- 13,840------------- 4,200------------- 18,0408,125---------------------- 14,140--------------4,200--------------183408,300---------------------- 14,450------------- 4,200------------- 18,6508,475----------------------- 14,750-------------4,200------------- 18,9508,650-----------------------15,060-------------4,200------------- 19,2608,825-----------------------15,360------------ 4,200-------------- 19,5609,000---------------------- 15,660------------ 4,200-------------- 19,860-------------------------------------------------------Copy of memorandum submitted by GS on VI th pay commission reportToThe Secretary (Posts)Dak BhavanNew Delhi - 110001Sub : Sixth Central Pay Commission Anomalies - regSir,The commission has merged different pay scales into pay bands giving fixation benefit in the form of grade pay. In the course of merger, the commission has not taken into account the basic underlying distinguishing factors between different cadres performing operative and administrative functions. For example in the Dept of Posts, the pay scales of officers in the administrative set up viz. Superintendent of Post offices in Postal Services Group B, Asst. Superintendent (Posts) (Gr. B Gazetted), Inspector (Posts) have been merged in Pay Band 2 (Rs. 8700- 34800) with purely operative posts in S-9, S-10 and S-12 . This has created functional disturbance. In the Dept of Posts, the last clear cut administrative unit is Postal Division. The Postal Divisions are in Gr A or Postal service Gr B. Throughout India there are 510 divisions out of which 288 are in Gr A and 222 are in Gr B. It can therefore be seen that the bulk of Postal services are being monitored and controlled by Postal Services Gr B divisions headed by Superintendent of Post Offices in PS Gr B cadre and all the divisional heads, either in GR A or Gr B are assisted by Asst. Superintendent (Posts) (Gr. B Gazetted), Inspector (Posts) (Gr B Non- gazetted). The administrative set up has the onerous responsibility of maintaining the service and discharging administrative functions which includes constitutional obligations, recruitment, creation/ review of establishment, implementing vigilance measures etc. As per CCS (CCA) Rules 1965 the divisional Superintendent in PS Gr B is empowered with disciplinary powers as described below.Inspector & Asst. Supdt. (Post):The operative posts do not perform any of these functions. Thus the Commission has not taken into account the enormous responsibilities assigned to these cadres vis-à-vis the operative posts and all these posts have been merged in Pay Band 2. The only distinguishing factor is the grade pay. The purely operative posts of HSG II and HSG I have virtually been upgraded by giving same grade pay equivalent to Inspector (Posts) (Gr B Non- gazetted and Asst. Superintendent (Posts) (Gr. B Gazetted) respectively without any distinction. The Postal Assistants , after getting their financial upgradation by way of biennial cadre review (BCR), are fitted in the pay scale of 6500- 200-10500 (S -12) in the pre-revised pay scale and accordingly they come under PB-2 i.e 8700- 34800 with grade pay of Rs 4200/-. But the Inspectors who belong to the supervisory cadre, are also paced in 6500-10500 and they also get the same grade pay of Rs 4200/- . Similarly, the pay scale of HSG –I (General Line) non-gazetted Gr.B , working as Postmasters, Dy. Postmasters, Sub Postmasters, Head Record officers the pre-revised pay scale of Rs 6500-200- 10500 (S-12) have also been upgraded to the pre-revised pay scale of Rs 7450-225-11500 and are now placed in the new PB -2 (8700-34800) with grade pay of Rs 4600/- along with the Assistants Superintendents Post (Gazetted Gr.B). Thus there is no distinguishing feature between the Inspecting officer and the operative HSG I officials.Similarly, the Junior Accounts officers (Non gazetted Gr.B) in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs 6500-200-10500 have been upgraded to the pr-revised pay scale of Rs 7450-225-11500 and placed in PB-2 with grade pay of Rs 4600/- Hence the Inspectors Posts carrying higher responsibilities than these operative posts in HSG II or HSG I are to be differentiated by either placing the Inspector (Post) in the next higher pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 7450-225-11500 and fitted in the PB -2 (8700-34800) with grade pay of Rs 4600/- as has been in the case of Junior Accounts Officers or given a higher grade pay which alone would restore the unique identity of the cadre.The Assistant Accounts Officers in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 7450-225-11500 have been upgraded to the pre-revised pay scale of Rs 7500- and fitted in the PB -2 (8700-34800) with grade pay of Rs 4800/-. They are also Gazetted Gr. B status as the Assistant Supdt. (Post). It is a fact that while the Assistant Accounts officers only perform desk work, the Assistant Supdt. (Post) carries more arduous nature of duties, with appointment and disciplinary npowers and involving extensive tours. It is therefore fit and proper that the Asst. Supdt. Post should be treated on par with at least the Assistant Accounts officers and fixed in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs 7500- 250-12000 and fitted in the PB 2 with grade pay of Rs 4800/- .It is also stated in the commission’s report that the seniority will be determined by the grade pay. But the Inspector (Posts) who is higher in hierarchy (in S-10 of pre-revised scale) is equated with HSG II (in S-9). Therefore merger of different pay scales with specific distinguishing functional areas carrying different pay scales disturbs the administrative mechanism and is bound to have a serious impact on the role of administrative grades like Inspector (Posts) (Gr B Non-Gazetted), Asst. Superintendent (Posts) (Gr. B Gazetted) and particularly Superintendents in PS Gr B .Postal Supdts. Gr. B :The authority of the divisional head in PS Gr B, who is ultimately responsible for maintaining and improving service, implementing successfully new business ventures of Department of Posts, would definitely be eroded and the services would loose the command and control now exercised by him. While the commission in its wisdom discussed and felt convinced to upgrade the pay scales HSG II and HSG I operative posts, it has not objectively assessed the need to maintain the hierarchical distinctions. In view of the bunching of large no. of pay scales, it is but necessary to examine and maintain the established relativities which only strengthen the actual and expected role of different cadres. The enormous responsibilities assigned to the Superintendents of Post offices in PS Gr B do deserve due recognition and placement at appropriate level. When most of the cadres down below have been upgraded one step, placing the Superintendents of Post offices in PS Gr B in PB 2 exactly equivalent to the pre-revised pay scale of pay (S– 14), besides causing administrative inconvenience, is also a great injustice to the cadre. Superintendents of Post offices in PS Gr B should at least have been upgraded to the next above grade in the pre-revised Rs. 8000-13500 (S-15) as has been done in respect of all cadres down below and fixed the post in equivalent PB 2 ie. Rs.8700-34800 with grade pay Rs.5400/-. Such a revision would remove the explicit anomaly, nullify functional disturbances described above and restore authority as it exists.PS Gr B is a special grade in Gr B which is existing since the first pay commission with specific powers and authority not assigned to any other cadre and posts. No other post in the equivalent grade in any Ministry or Department has the distinct responsibility in terms of maintaining service in his division in an average area comprising of 500 sq. KM and managing and controlling staff numbering around 500 and more in different grades. There is no analogous post in any other Ministry / Department which carries the same pre-revised pay scale and also the amount of. Continuance of the identity attached to this post is absolutely necessary in view of the administrative/operative distinctions that are unique to the Department of Posts. The foregoing functional imbalances created due to upgradation of several pay scales and omission to do justice to other administrative grade could be erased only by taking remedial measures suggested above. It is requested that these anomalies may be taken in to consideration at the earliest before the recommendations are implemented and justice done to the affected cadres. Yours sincerely,/S. Samuel/1. Daily allowance:DA recommended for stay in hotels and reimbursement of food bill.Duration of stay at out station beyond 8 KMs not defined.Local journey TA not discussed. It is essential for IP/ASP who travel in rural area.2. TA on transferDifferent rate is mentioned for conveyance of goods by road. The quantity of goods may differ from cadre to cadre. But the rate per KM should be the same for all grades.3. Increased maternity leave to 180 days is welcome and laxie leave to women employees is also desirable. Sufficient no. of LR to be created.4. Holidays – No change is required in respect of operative offices5. CCA – It is meant as a compensation for the increased cost of living specific to metro cities.6. Transportation allowance – Should be uniform for all employees in all places.7. Cadre review.Proposals of Gr. A cadre considered.Para 6.1.14 Commission recommended total ban on creation of fresh posts.Whereas in para 3.3.31 the commission recommended for creation of 3 posts of Member Postal services board.Whereas second CRC of IP cadre referred to 6 CPC not considered. 8.Honorarium for IO/PO, invigilation duties – not discussed by the commission.9.The scheme of variable increments should be extended to IP/ASP/PS Group B also @ 2.5 % and 3.5% to 80% and 20% of employees respectively.10..Asst.Manager MMS equated with ASP. They are equal to IP.
Copy of letter from GS on 6 CPC anomalies
Dear Friends,As soon as the Pay Commission Report was released on 24.3.2008, we sent a representation to Secretary (Posts) on 07.4.2008 telling that the Pay scales of BCR PA and IP have been merged and a grade pay of Rs 4200/- has been recommended. This will create functional disturbances in the field.Further the pay scale of JAO has been upgraded at par with ASP. The post of ASP is a gazetted post and having a lot of responsibilities. So, the pay scale of ASP should be at least at par with AAO i.e 7500/-While all the cadres have been given upgradation of pay scale one step further,the cadre of PS Gr B is completely neglected by placing them in the same pay scale with out any upgradation. PS Gr B officers are the Divisional heads and controlling more than 600 officials. Their pay scale should not be equated with AAO and need upgradation to 8000- with grade pay of Rs 5400/-.My self and CHQ Treasurer Shri. S.Ravi and Shri.R.D.Sharma Circle Secretary Delhi had a discussion with the Deptl. committee which has been set up set up for examining the anomalies on 10.4.08 and explained in detail. We also met Member (P)and had a discussion in detail on 11.4.2008. Now the department has accepted our demand and recommended to the high power committee formed by the Govt.Details are being published in the PI.I have been promoted to PS Group B on adhoc basis and posted as Supdt. PSD, Chennai-600010. You may send all your correspondence to the new address.Dte. has called for the CRs of IP belonging to 1981 and 1982 batch. All are requested to liaise with Circle Office and expedite sending of CRs to Dte. sothat DPC for PS Gr B can be convened in time.S.SamuelGS
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