Smt.Karuna Pillai,Chief PMG
Welcome to the news blog of Andhra Pradesh Postal Circle.


Friday, September 5, 2008

0 Circle News Bulletin

NEWS BULLETIN NO. 2 (July-September 2008)
My dear friends,
The much awaited recommendations of VI th Central Pay Commission were at last implemented. It is strange that the VI th Pay Commission spent its entire efforts only on merging / reducing the scales which resulted more anomalies among the existing cadre, which were set right by the V th Pay Commission with much efforts and persuasion by the Association. Now the Grade Pay alone is fixing the status of the cadre. Status means the difference between the Supervisor and the Supervised should have a clear distinction for the effective management of the administration. The scale of IPs was settled to Rs.5500-9000 and the BCR 5000-8000 in the V th Pay Commission. But, the position has now reversed in the VI th Pay Commission clubbing all cadres in one Pay Band and equalizing the Grade Pay from BCR to HSG-II inclusive of IPs and ASPs are equated with HSG-I cadre. In 5th CPC, the BCR scale is Rs.5000-150-8000 and IP scale is Rs.5500-175-9000. But, due to the accepted recommendation of 6th CPC report, the pay scales Rs.5000-150-8000, Rs.5500-175-9000 and Rs.6500-200-10500 are merged which results in placing the operative (BCR) and Supervisory (IP) posts in the same pay band and grade pay
which is an injustice to the IP cadre. Placing both (BCR Pas & IP) in the same pay band is not correct.
In the CCS(Revised Pay) Rules, 2008, in the first schedule Part-B, Section-I, Para (ii), it is clearly mentioned that in the case if it is not feasible to merge the posts on functional considerations, upgradation of the relevant/required posts can be done in consultation with Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance and hence the pay band of the IP cadre should be upgraded.
In the Pay Commission Report Para 7.6.14, it is mentioned that the demand of upgrading IP scale from Rs.5500 on par with Inspector CBDT/CBEC and Assistants CSS to Rs.6500 was considered but it is merged with lower scales of pay. The usage of “with this up gradation, Inspector(Posts) shall come to lie in an identical pay scale as that of their promotion post of Assistant Superintendent (Posts)” in the Report indicates that the scale is upgraded to Rs.6500 and hence the minimum should be Rs.6500 x 1.86 = Rs.12090 A+ Rs.4200 (G.P) whereas it is placed in Rs.5000 x 1.86 = Rs.9300 + 4200 (G.P).
Therefore, it is suggested that as the Pay Commission accepts the demand of upgrading the IP scale of Rs.5500-175-9000 to Rs.6500-200-10500, the minimum pay fixed to an IP promoted on or after 01.01.2006 should be Rs.12090(Rs.6500x1.86)+4200 = Rs.16290. If it is accepted, there is no need to change in the pay structure of PB-2 (Rs.9300-34800). Considering functional responsibilities of IPs specific to Department of Posts having Quasi-Judicial powers, Disciplinary powers, Appointing Authority powers, the pay scale of IP should be upgraded to Rs.7450/- and in turn pay scale of ASP to upgraded to Rs.7500/- and PS Group B to 8000/-. IPs and BCR PAs are assigned with same Grade Pay of Rs.4200/- and hence the Grade Pay of IPs should be increased to Rs.4600/- so as the Supervisor shall be hierarchically higher than the supervised. In Pay Commission Report Para 7.8.5 and in the CCS(Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 vide GSR No.622(E) dated 29.08.2008, in the FIRST SCHEDULE Part-C, Section-II, the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000 has been upgraded to Rs.7450-11500 in the case of Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Hence, we may demand for similar up gradation. The Department should appreciate these realistic anomalies in the cadres of IPs and ASPs and do justice by redressing the grievances early. We hope by our united
efforts, we can achieve justice as done earlier in the Vth cpc.The Central Working Committee was held at Kanchipuram on 4 & 5th October 2008. Circle Secretaries and members from 13 Circles participated. The august body discussed in detail the anomalies in the Govt. orders. Members aired their views on the injustice done to this cadre particularly for direct IPs. A collective decision was taken to demand higher pay scale for IP, ASP and SP. Based on the deliberation and decision taken, a memorandum was prepared and submitted by General Secretary to DG on 10.10.2008. Copy of the same is published inside for your information. General secretary will discuss with DG in person very soon.
I am very happy to inform that most of the members are viewing our website. Once again I request all the members to view the website for updated information. Every day we are updating with latest news.
With warm greetings,
Ever yours,
Circle Secretary
Þ The following Pay Bands recommended by the Commission will be improved and the modified Pay Bands will be as below:
Recommended by the Commission
Decision of the
PB-1 Rs.4860-20200
PB-1 Rs.5200-20200
PB-2 Rs.8700-34800
PB-2 Rs.9300-34800
PB-4 Rs.39200-67000
PB-4 Rs.37400-67000
With regard to fixation of pay in the revised Pay Bands, the basic pay drawn as on 1.1.2006 on the existing Fifth CPC pay scales will be multiplied by a factor of 1.86 and then rounded off to next multiple of 10. This will be the pay in the revised running Pay Band. Grade Pay, as approved by the Government, corresponding to the pre-revised pay scale, will then be added to the Pay in the revised Pay Band. The total of pay in the Pay Band and grade pay will be revised Basic Pay as on 1.1.2006.
Þ Rate of annual increments will be modified from 2.5% recommended by the Commission to 3% and the rate of variable increment for high achievers in PB-3 will be 4% instead of 3.5% recommended by the Commission.
Þ “Campus” restriction for grant of Transport Allowance will be removed. Consequently, employees living in campuses will also be eligible for Transport Allowance. Further, Transport Allowance for the employees at the lowest levels will be increased to Rs.600 (from Rs.400) in A-1/A class cities and Rs.400(from Rs.300) in other towns.
Þ Three upgradations will be granted under Assured Career Progression (ACP) Scheme at 10, 20 and 30 years as per the modified ACP Scheme recommended by the Commission. ACP Scheme will also be applicable to Group A employees.
Þ Regarding Group ‘B’ cadres, the Commission’s recommendations will be modified in the following manner:-
Group B officers of Department of Posts, Revenue etc. will be granted Grade Pay of Rs.5400 in PB-2 on non-functional basis after 4 years of regular service in the grade pay of Rs.4800 in PB-2
Þ The Commission’s recommendations and Government decision thereon with regard to revised scales of pay and dearness allowance for civilian employees of the Central Government and personnel of All India Services as detailed in the Part A of the Annex-I will be made effective from 1st day of January, 2006.
Þ The revised allowances, other than dearness allowance, will be effective from 1st day of September, 2008.
Þ The Commission’s recommendation regarding payment of arrears has been modified to the extent that the arrears will be paid in cash in two instalments first instalment of 40% during the current financial year (2008-09) and the remaining 60% in the next financial year (2009-10).
Þ The Government has approved setting up of Anomalies Committees to examine individual, post-specific and cadre-specific anomalies. The Anomalies Committees should Endeavour to complete their work in one year.
Þ Specific recommendations which are not included in this Resolution shall b processed by the concerned Department/Ministry and approval of the Government obtained in consultation with the Ministry of Finance and/or Department of Personnel and Training.
Þ The recommendations made by the Commission which have not been accepted are placed at Annex-II.
Þ The Government have decided that certain recommendations made by the Commission will be examined separately and decisions thereon will be notified later. A list of such recommendations is placed at Annex-III.
Þ The decision taken on the other recommendations of general nature made by the Commission which are not included in the Annexure will be notified separately.

Central Working Committee, Kanchipuram – 4th and 5th October 2008

Central Working Committee Meeting of All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts was held at Kanchipuram, Tamilnadu on 4th and 5th October 2008 under the President ship of Shri. S.B.Mahapatra, President CHQ and Senior Postmaster, Bhubaneswar H.O. The meeting started with the Welcome Address by Smt. T.V.Sundari, Vice-President, Tamilnadu Circle Branch and ASP Tambaram Dn. The following Circles was represented :

1.Andhra Pradesh 2.Bihar 3.Chattisgarh 4.Gujarat 5.Karnataka 6.Kerala
7.Madhya Pradesh 8.Maharashtra 9.Orissa 10.Punjab 11.Rajasthan 12.Tamil Nadu
13.Uttar Pradesh 14.West Bengal

A 45 minutes power point programme on Pay fixation, its anomalies and about the loss of the recommended pay scale for direct recruit IP, revised DA rulings, comparison of pay scale with analogous cadre in other Ministries/Departments was presented by Shri.Sivaprakasam, ASP(Tech) C.O, Chennai. It paved the way for preparation of ground for healthy discussion.AllCircle Secretaries and members well presented the case of injustice done to the cadre and also suggested the CHQ to take remedial measures to get the justified pay scale for IP/ASP. Shri. Janardan Sharma, General Secretary & Shri.A.Kumarasamy, Circle Secretary of Postal Officers’ Association participated in the deliberation. Shri. P.R.Satyanarayanan, AD(Vig) & our former CHQ President, Shri. V.Kannan, Senior Postmaster, Thanjavur H.O & our former AGS and Shri.V.Narasimhan, former CHQ Treasurer also guided the Association. General Secretary explained the Pay Commission recommendations and the erratic pay fixation formula framed by the Government. Based on the discussion, a collective decision was taken as under:

Pay scale of IP, ASP and SP should be upgraded to 7450, 7500 & 8000 with grade pay 4600, 4800 & 5400 respectively.
Dte. Should issue clear orders on D.A with out insisting on producing bill as IP/ASP have to tour P.O in rural villages.
The initial pay of IP appointed after 1.1.2006 should be fixed with reference to upgraded pay scale and not with reference to 5000/- as decided by the Govt.
Annual increment should be granted on quarterly basis to remove the existing anomalies.
Bonus should be given to all cadres in Pay Band –2.
Personal Pay should be treated as Pay and not as allowance and arrears should be paid.
Pay scale of IP should be revised whenever the pay scale of Inspector CBDT/CBCE and analogous cadres are revised to maintain parity.

The august body has recommended to take up the case with the Directorate.

Copy of memorandum submitted by General Secretary to DG:

No. CHQ/IASP/SCPC Date: 10.10.2008

The Secretary
Department of Posts
Dak Bhavan
New Delhi 110001

Respected Madam,

Sub: Sixth Pay Commission anomaly in IP/ASP cadre. - reg.

The cadre of Inspector and Assistant Superintendent Posts are dismayed to note that the Sixth Central Pay Commission and Govt. of India have not done justice to this cadre. This Association brings the following anomalies pertaining to the cadre to the notice of our respected Madam for redressal and rendering justice.

Inspector Posts:

After Fifth Pay Commission, the Inspectors were placed in the scale of pay Rs.5500-175-9000 (S-10). Their scale of pay was more than the scale of pay for HSG II officials i.e Rs.5000-150-8000 (S - 9). This was due to the fact that the job contents and expectations of Inspectors Posts were certainly distinct and carried higher responsibilities. The Inspector is required to supervise the functions of all operative staff including the supervisors in HSG II grade. But the Sixth Pay Commission has done away with the distinctions by placing the Inspector Posts in the same Pay Band i.e PB -2 along with HSG II and BCR PAs and the Grade pay of Rs 4200/-is the same for all those who hold the above posts. This has defeated the principle that the Supervisor should get more pay than those supervised.

Due to bunching of previous pay scales, it may be inevitable to place certain cadres in higher pay bands. The Department of Posts would agree that the nature of job performed by the Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts is not comparable in any manner with that performed by the operative Postal Assistants and Supervisors.

While clubbing several pay scales, the Sixth Pay Commission has also made it clear that the cadres would be distinguished only by their distinct grade pay and not by their Pay Band. Placing operative staff /supervisors and Inspectors in the same Pay Band without even elementary distinctions in Grade pay would create functional disturbances in the Department and would certainly erode the command and control structure of the organization. The Department has learnt the lesson the costliest way. The Fourth Pay Commission created several anomalies and they were set right only by the Fifth Pay Commission. In para 30.16 of its recommendation, the Fifth Pay Commission observed that the neglect of the cadre of Inspector Posts is bound to prove costly. But the Sixth Pay Commission has once again reintroduced certain anomalies by overlooking the functional distinctions between operative Postal Assistants/Supervisors and Inspector Posts. As per the Revised Pay Rules 2008, the initial pay of directly recruited Inspector Posts has to be fixed at Rs.9300/- in Pay Band-2 with corresponding grade pay Rs.4200/-. The new recruits will have lower start of pre-revised pay of Rs.5000/- but not Rs.5500/- or Rs.6500/-Thus the pay has actually been lowered and not upgraded.

It is therefore necessary that the cadre of Inspector Posts should get their due recognition and this comes only when the pay structure has distinct features. From the Notification dated 29.08.2008 issued by Govt. of India, it is seen that the Govt. of India has been magnanimous enough to order higher grade pay than the one recommended by Sixth Pay Commission in respect of several cadres from Pay Band 3 upwards. The Inspector Posts in the pre-revised scale of pay Rs.5500-175-9000 (S-10) carrying distinctly higher responsibilities and statutory powers, comparable with any other equivalent cadre in other Departments/Ministries, should be given at least the next higher pay scale equivalent to pre-revised scale of pay Rs.7450-225-11500 with corresponding grade pay i.e. Rs. 4600/- which is justified and which alone would only restore the functional efficiency badly needed to manage at the field level. Alternatively, to maintain the hierarchical distinctions, it is but necessary to place the Inspectors above the operative supervisors at least by upgrading their Grade Pay from Rs 4200/- to Rs 4600/-.

In para 7.6.14, the Sixth Pay Commission has recommended higher pay scale for Inspector Posts i.e. Rs. 6500-10500 accepting the demand of our Association that this post is analogous to the post Income Tax Inspectors of CBDT, which has been upgraded from Rs 5500 – 9000 to 6500-10500 w.e.f 21.04.2004. But the fixation for Inspector Posts is done only with reference to their pay in old pay scale i.e. Rs.5500-9000, whereas the Inspectors Income Tax would be in an advantageous position by getting their pay fixed with reference to their upgraded pay scale i.e. Rs.6500-10500. Thus the Inspector Posts would stand to lose Rs.1860 by way of initial fixation. The Association submits that fixation with reference to their old pay scale would amount to perpetuation of injustice and amounts to an anomaly. The Sixth Pay Commission has already recommended upgradation of pay scale of Inspector Posts on par with other Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC from Rs 5500–175–9000 to Rs.6500-200-10500. It has also been accepted by the Govt. in its resolution dated 29.8.2008.
PART - B of Section I (ii) of Notification dated 29.8.2008, (REVISED PAY SCALES FOR CERTAIN COMMON CATEGORIES OF STAFF) reads as follows:

“On account of merger of pre-revised pay scales of Rs.5000-8000, Rs.5500-9000 and Rs.6500-10500, some posts which presently constitute feeder and promotion grades will come to lie in an identical grade. The specific recommendations about some categories of these posts made by the Pay Commission are included Section II of Part B. As regards other posts, the posts in these three scales should be merged. In case it is not feasible to merge the posts in these pay scales on functional considerations, the posts in the scale of Rs.5000-8000 and Rs.5500-9000 should be merged, with the post in the scale of Rs.6500-10500 being upgraded to the next higher grade in pay band PB-2 i.e. to the grade pay of Rs.4600 corresponding to the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.7450-11500. In case a post already exists in the scale of Rs.7450-11500, the post being upgraded from the scale of Rs.6500-10500 should be merged with the post in the scale of Rs.7450-11500.”

As stated in pre paras, merger of the pay scale of Inspector Posts with that drawn by operational staff would create serious functional imbalance in maintaining service, command and control and supervision at field level. Therefore it becomes necessary to maintain the distinct identity of the Inspector Posts and consequently they should be placed in higher pay scale/grade pay as has been done in respect of cadres in PB-3 and PB-4 and Inspector Posts may be placed in the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.7450-225-11500 (S-13) with corresponding grade pay of Rs. 4600/-.

In the Department of Posts, a few posts designated as Assistant Managers (Mail Motor Service) exists and they were in the pre-revised scale of Rs 5500-9000. Earlier there were two grades viz. Inspector (MMS) and Assistant Manager MMS and after 5th Pay commission, the two cadres were merged to form a single cadre called “Assistant Manager (MMS)” in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000. The Assistant Manager (MMS) is wholly a promotional cadre to the Postal Assistants in MMS.

A common identical departmental examination is held for promotion to the post of Inspector (Posts)/Assistant Manager (MMS). As per the accepted recommendations of Sixth CPC, the Inspector Post is placed in the upgraded pay scale of Rs 6500-10500. But as per serial No. 6 under MOC&IT Section II of Part ‘C’ of CCS (Revised Pay Rules) 2008, the pre-revised pay scale of Assistant Manager (MMS) is shown as Rs 6500-10500 with the upgraded scale as Rs 7450- 11500. This obviously means that while a Postal Assistant in Postal side, on promotion would be placed in the pay scale of Rs 6500-10500, but the Postal Assistant promoted from MMS would be placed in a higher pay scale of Rs 7450-1150 i.e on par with Assistant Superintendent Posts creating a level jump for the Assistants in MMS.

Assistant Superintendent Posts:

The Assistant Superintendent Posts (Gazetted), a promotional post to the Inspector Posts and involving still higher responsibilities, in the pre-revised Pay Scale of pay Rs.6500 - 10500 have also been placed in PB-2 with due upgradation to the pre-revised scale of pay Rs.7450-225-11500 and they would also be getting Rs.4600/- as Grade Pay. This post conferred with Gazetted status carries higher responsibilities than the Postmasters in HSG I (non-Gazetted) in General line. As higher pay Scale and corresponding Grade Pay for Inspector Posts are justified, the pay scale of Assistant Superintendent Posts should also be upgraded to that of the pre-revised scale of pay Rs 7500 - 250 -12000 (S -14) with corresponding Grade pay of Rs 4800/-.

A few posts designated as Deputy Manager/Manager (Mail Motor Service) exist and they were in the pre-revised scale of Rs. 6500-10500. The Deputy Manager/Manager (MMS) is wholly a promotional cadre to the Assistant Manager (MMS). As per the accepted recommendations of 6 CPC, the Assistant Superintendent Posts is placed in the upgraded pay scale of Rs 7450-11500. But as per serial No. 7 under MOC&IT Section II of Part ‘C’ of CCS (Revised Pay Rules) 2008, the pre-revised pay scale of Deputy Manager (MMS) is shown as Rs 6500-10500 with the upgraded scale as Rs 7500- 12000. This obviously means that a Deputy Manager who was so long holding an analogous post as that of Assistant superintendent Posts, has now been placed equal to that of Divisional Superintendent in P.S. Gr. B. It is worth mentioning here that under sl.5, 6 & 7 of Section II, the pre-revised scale of Pay of Superintendent (Posts), Assistant Manager (MMS) and Deputy Manager (MMS) are shown as Rs 6500-10500, which is not true. It is therefore clear that the scales of pay noted against sl. 5,6 & 7 lack clarity. The revised pays of Assistant Manager (MMS) and Deputy Manager (MMS) have already been fixed as laid down in the Revised Pay Rules 2008.

Superintendent (P.S. Gr. B)

Postal Superintendents (P.S. Gr. B) is a promotional post to IP/ASP cadre. It constitutes the vital managerial head at the crucial Divisional level. Majority of the Postal Divisions and all Postal Stores Depot and Circle Stamp Depots are managed by Superintendents in P.S. Gr. B. unlike the Section officers in other Departments/Ministries.

Before sixth CPC, the Assistant Accounts officers were in the pay scale of Rs 7450- 11500 and the Accounts officers were in Rs.7500-12000. But as a result of the recommendations of Sixth CPC, the pay scales of above cadres have been upgraded to Rs.7500-12000 and Rs.8000-13500 respectively. The job content and responsibilities of Superintendent of Post Offices vis-à-vis those in the accounts line do not appear to have been objectively done. As a result, the pay scale of those in the accounts line has been upgraded.

Similarly, the Section Officers in CSS who were in the pay scale of Rs 6500 – 10500, have been upgraded to Rs.7500-12000 with further upgradation to the pay scale of Rs.8000-13500 after 4 years. Thus all the cadres in the Govt. and particularly in the Department of Posts have been given the benefit of upgradation to next higher pay scale. But the Superintendent in P.S. Gr. B manning vast Postal Division with nearly 700 staff working under him with huge responsibility of maintaining the service and also disciplinary powers has not been given due recognition and their pay scale remains at Rs. 7500 -12000 with non functional upgradation to the pay scale of Rs 8000-13500 after 4 years.

The post of Assistant Accounts officer is now placed in the upgraded pay scale of Rs 7500-12000. But the duties and responsibilities of Assistant Accounts officers, with no administrative, financial or disciplinary powers are nowhere comparable to the Superintendents in P.S. Gr. B. In administrative offices and Circle Stamp Depots, the Assistant Account officers are working under the control of Superintendents in P.S. Gr. B and keeping the Superintendents in P.S. Gr. B on par with the Assistant Accounts Officers would amount to undermining their position and would create abnormal functional disturbance.

As per para 4.1. (iv) of the Resolution dated 29.8.2008 issued by Govt. of India, in the revised ACP scheme, officials are entitled to automatic non-functional upgradation to the next higher scale of pay, if they continue to remain in the same grade for more than 10 years. As on date the Assistant Superintendent Posts get their normal promotion to P.S. Group B only after 15 years. By virtue of the latest ACP scheme, the Assistant Superintendent Posts would be placed in the pay scale of Rs.7500-12000 on non-functional basis. Thus they would be brought on par with the Superintendents in P.S.Gr. B. The post of Superintendent P.S. Gr. “B” is also a promotional post to the cadre of Inspector and Assistant Superintendent Posts. Now there will be only thin difference between Assistant Superintendent Posts and Superintendent (Posts). This again would create abnormal functional disturbance. Hence the Superintendents in P.S. Gr. B should always be placed above the pay scale of Assistant Accounts officers and Assistant Superintendents Posts.

One more anomaly arises out of the fact that a BCR Postal Assistant, for whom the Superintendent in P.S. Gr. B is the appointing authority, would also be in the same Pay Band (PB-2 in Rs 9300- 34800) i.e the official who is appointed by the Superintendent P.S. Gr. B and also the appointing authority himself are in the same pay band, which also creates obvious functional disturbance.

The non-upgradation of the pay scale of Postal Superintendent Gr.’B’ appears to be due to the fact that their pre-revised pay scale is incorrectly shown as Rs 6500-10500 against serial No. 5 under MOC&IT in Section II of Part ‘C’ of CCS (Revised Pay Rules) 2008 instead of Rs 7500-12000. The recommendations of the 6CPC to upgrade the pay scale of several cadres have been accepted by the Govt. While the pay scale of Assistant Superintendent Posts has been upgraded to Rs 7450-11500, it would be mockery to place the Postal Superintendent Gr. B at Rs 7500-12000, which cannot be deemed to be a promotion by any stretch of imagination. On the analogy adopted for HSG I (General line), Inspectors Posts, Assistant Superintendent Posts, Assistant Accounts Officer, Accounts Officer etc., the post of Postal Superintendent Gr. B should be upgraded to the pre-revised pay scale of Rs 8000-13500 and the fitment benefits accorded as per the upgraded revised scale of pay from the initial stage itself.

Specific anomalies arising out of the implementation are described in Annexure I & II
This Association therefore demands the following to remove the inherent anomalies:
(A) Inspector Posts:
I. The Inspector Posts should be placed in the upgraded pay scale of Rs 7450-11500 in PB-2 with grade pay of Rs 4600/-.

II. The Pay scale should always be analogous with other Inspectors of CBDT/CBEC as well as Assistants of Central Secretariat Service (CSS) as they are recruited through the same examination.

III. The minimum of the entry pay for Inspector Posts should fixed at Rs 12540/- with reference to the minimum of pre-revised pay scale of Rs 7450/- in PB-2 with grade pay of Rs 4600/-(as mentioned in Section II of the First Schedule of CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008.

(B) Assistant Superintendent Post:
I. The Assistant Superintendent Post should be placed in the upgraded pay scale of Rs 7500-12000 in PB-2 with grade pay of Rs.4800/-.

II. The Pay scale should always be analogous with other Assistant Accounts Officers/Deputy manager (MMS) in the Department of Posts.

III. The minimum of the entry pay of for Assistant Superintendent Posts promoted after 1.1.2006 should fixed at Rs 13350/- with reference to the pre-revised pay scale of Rs 7500-12000 /- in PB-2 with grade pay of Rs 4800/-.

( C ) Superintendent Posts (in P.S. Gr.B):
I. The Superintendent Post in P.S. Gr. B should be placed in the upgraded pay scale of Rs 8000-13500 in PB-2 with grade pay of Rs 5400/-

II. After 4 years, the cadre should be placed in PB-3 on par with Accounts Officers.

III. The Pay scale should always be analogous with other Accounts officers in the Department of Posts.

IV. The minimum of the entry pay of for Superintendent Posts (P.S. Gr. B) promoted after 1.1.2006 should fixed at Rs 15600/- with reference to the pre-revised pay scale of Rs 8000-13500 /- PB-3 with grade pay of Rs 5400/-.

Yours sincerely,
/S. Samuel/
General Secretary
Annexure I
Anomaly in the Pay Scale of Inspector Posts:

In para 7.6.14, the recommendations of 6 CPC has been accepted by Govt. and the Inspector Posts has been placed in higher scale i.e 6500-10500 on par with Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT/CBEC as well as Assistants of CSS on the ground that they are also recruited through the same examination. But the fixation of revised pay is being done with reference to the Pay Band - 2 i.e 9300-34800. The anomalies arising out of fixation are described below:

Example 1A:
For those promoted as Inspector Posts prior to 1.1.2006 in the pre-revised scale of pay Rs 5500-9000 and holding the minimum of the pay scale on 1.1.2006.

Existing scale of pay : Rs 5500-9000
Pay Band applicable : PB-2 Rs 9300-34800
Existing Basic Pay as on 1.1.2006 : Rs 5500
Pay after multiplication by a factor of 1.86 : Rs 10230
Pay in Pay Band PB-2 : Rs 10230
Grade Pay attached to the scale : Rs 4200
Revised Basic Pay –
Total pay in the pay band and Grade pay Rs 14430/-

Example 1B:
Inspector Posts appointed on or after 1.1.2006 (Direct Recruit & promoted officials
upto 8 years of clerical service)
Pay Band applicable :PB-2 Rs 9300-34800

Entry Pay :Rs 9300 (As per Part ‘A’ Section II of the first
Schedule to CCS (Revised Pay Rules,
Grade Pay attached to the scale :Rs 4200

Revised Basic Pay –
Total pay in the pay band and Grade pay : Rs 13,500/-

This shows that though the Inspector Posts were holding the pre-revised pay scale of Rs 5500-9000, the basic pay of those promoted as Inspector Posts after 1.1.2006 is done with reference pre-revised pay scale of Rs 5000-8000 which causes drop in total emoluments to the tune of Rs 930/-. Thus those who are promoted after 1.1.2006 stand to lose heavily due to revised fixation. Hence the Entry Pay of Inspector Posts should be determined only with reference to the pre-revised pay scale of Rs 5500-9000. i.e. the entry pay should be:

Rs 5500x1.86 = 10230+ Corresponding Grade Pay of Rs 4200/- i.e. his Total pay should be Rs 14430/-.

Anomaly in the Pay Scale of Assistant Superintendent Posts:

Example 2A:

For those Assistant Superintendent Posts drawing at the minimum of Rs 6500/- as on 1.1.2006.

Existing scale of pay : Rs 6500-10500
Pay Band applicable : PB-2 Rs 9300-34800
Existing Basic Pay as on 1.1.2006 : Rs 6500
Pay after multiplication by a factor of 1.86 : Rs 12090
Pay in Pay Band PB-2 : Rs 12090
Grade Pay attached to the scale : Rs 4600
Revised Basic Pay –
Total pay in the pay band and Grade pay Rs 16,690/-

Example 2B:

For those Assistant Superintendent Posts drawing at the stage of Rs.6700/- as on 1.1.2006.

Existing scale of pay : Rs 6500-10500
Pay Band applicable : PB-2 Rs 9300-34800
Existing Basic Pay as on 1.1.2006 : Rs 6700
Pay after multiplication by a factor of 1.86 : Rs 12470
Pay in Pay Band PB-2 : Rs 12470
Grade Pay attached to the scale : Rs 4600
Revised Basic Pay –
Total pay in the pay band and Grade pay Rs 17,070/-

As per Part ‘A’ Section II of the first Schedule to CCS (Revised Pay Rules-2008), the entry pay for those entitled to Grade pay of Rs. 4600/-, the entry pay should be Rs 12540/-. But as could be seen from the examples 2A and 2B, the basic pay arrived at as per the new fitment formula is less than the entry pay allowed for this Grade Pay. Hence the Entry pay for those drawing at Rs 6500/- and Rs 6700/- as on 1.1.2006 should be fixed at Rs 12540/-

Hence the minimum Entry Pay of Assistant Superintendent Posts should be Rs 12540/- + Corresponding Grade Pay of Rs 4600/- i.e. his Total pay should be Rs 17140/-.

Annexure II

Anomaly arising out of Annual Increment:

As per the Annual Increments are to be drawn only on 1st July of every year. This has created a peculiar situation wherein those drawing increment in the first half-year stand to lose heavily as service rendered for nearly six months does not get any weightage. But those drawing increments in the second half of the year stand to gain. This is an unintended benefit. The revised fitment formula has already reduced the margin of difference between juniors and seniors. The present ‘annual increment’ formula has once again caused drop in emoluments.

Old Pay in Assistant Superintendent Cadre
Revised Pay
Rs 8700
Rs 16190
Rs 8700
Rs 16190
Rs 8700
Rs 16190

In order to remove such anomalies the Govt. should reconsider the decision and allow drawal of increments at least once in a quarter as is being done in many State Governments.

Pay Scale of Postal Superintendent Gr. ‘B’:

Example 3A:

For those Assistant Superintendent Posts drawing Pay up to the stage of Rs 7100/- as on 1.1.2006 and promoted as P.S. Gr. B

Existing scale of pay : Rs 7500-12000
Pay Band applicable : PB-2 Rs 9300-34800
Existing Basic Pay as on 1.1.2006 : Rs 7100
Pay after multiplication by a factor of 1.86 : Rs 13206
Pay in Pay Band PB-2 : Rs 13210
Grade Pay attached to the scale : Rs 4800
Revised Basic Pay –
Total pay in the pay band and Grade pay Rs 18010/-

Example 3B:

For those Inspector Posts drawing pay up to the stage of Rs 7075/- as on 1.1.2006 and promoted as P.S. Gr. B.

Existing scale of pay : Rs 7500-12000
Pay Band applicable : PB-2 Rs 9300-34800
Existing Basic Pay as on 1.1.2006 : Rs 7075
Pay after multiplication by a factor of 1.86 : Rs 13159.50
Pay in Pay Band PB-2 : Rs 13160
Grade Pay attached to the scale : Rs 4800
Revised Basic Pay –
Total pay in the pay band and Grade pay Rs 17960/-

As per Part ‘A’ Section II of the first Schedule to CCS (Revised Pay Rules, 2008), the entry pay for those entitled to Grade pay of Rs 4800/-, the entry pay should be Rs 13350/-. But as could be seen from the examples 3A and 3B, the basic pay arrived at as per the new fitment formula is less than the entry pay of Rs 13350/- allowed for this Grade Pay. Hence the entry pay for those drawing upto Rs 7100/- in the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs 6500-10500 and Rs. 7075/- in the pre-revised scale of pay of Rs 5500- 9000 as on 1.1.2006 should be fixed at Rs 13350/-

Hence the minimum Entry Pay of Postal Superintendent Gr. B should be Rs 13350/-
+ Corresponding Grade Pay of Rs 4800/- i.e. his Total pay should be Rs 18150/- .

Letters addressed to CPMG & Regional PMGs:

1. Lr.No.AIAIP&ASP/Corr dtd 13.10.2008:
The Chief Postmaster General
A.P. Circle,
Hyderabad-500 001.
Respected Madam,
Sub:- In proper implementation of VI th CPC recommendations
For IP & ASP Cadres –reg.
Ref:- 1. Govt. resolution on VI CPC
2. CCS(Revised) Pay rules, 2008.
3. OM No.GOIMFF NO.1/1/2008-IC dtd 13.9.08.
This is regarding in proper implementation of VI CPC recommendations in A.P. Circle in respect of fixation of IP & ASP pay scales.

In this connection it is to submit that as per the 1st and 2nd references cited above (Para 7.6.14 of Resolution), the 6th CPC has recommended the merger of pre-revised pay scales of Rs.5500-9000 and Rs.6500-10500 which will automatically bring Inspector Posts on par with Assistants in CSS/Inspector and analogous posts in CBDT and CBEC. With this upgradation, Inspector Posts shall come to lie in an identical pay scale as that of their promotion post of Assistant Superintendent of Posts. ASPOs shall accordingly, be placed in the next higher pay scale of Rs.7450-11500 corresponding to the revised pay band PB-2 along with grade pay of Rs.4600.

Accordingly the pay fixations have been made after issue of CCS(Revised) Pay Rules, 2008. During the pay fixations there was lot of confusion in fixing the pay of Inspectors and ASPO in A.P. Circle. In each case there was a different fixation as per the local interpretations.

For example IPs who joined/promoted after 1.1.06, their pay was fixed with Basic pay of Rs.9300/- (i.e. 5000 x 1.86) which equal to pre-revised scale of Rs.5000/-. Those who joined prior to 1.1.06 their pay was fixed as 5500 x 1.86. In case of ASPs also pay in the pre-revised scale of Rs.6500/- + 4600 (revised pay band) has been given instead of upgraded scale of 7450/- in pre-revised scales.

In this connection Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure has given a clarification vide it’s OM No.F.No.1/1/2008-IC dtd 13th September, 2008 (copy enclosed) and as per item No.6 it is clear that the Inspector of Posts should be fixed as per pre-revised scale of Rs.6500-200-10500 and ASPs 7450-225-11500 as on 1.1.06.

As there is lot of ambiguity in interpreting the OM, the intervention of kind authority is solicited and instructions may be issued to all the concerned so that the pay can be fixed uniformly.

Thanking you madam.
Yours sincerely,

All India Assn. of IP & ASP
A.P. Circle, Hyderabad-27

2) Lr.No.AIA IPASP/VJA/Corr/2008 dtd 13.8.08

The Postmaster General,
Vijayawada Region

Sub:- Proposal for provision of Cell phones under Common User Group by
Withdrawing Residential Land Line Phone connections to the IP/ASPs
in Vijayawada Region.
It has come to the notice of this Association that a proposal was mooted to withdraw residence land phone connection provided to the IP/ASPs working in Vijayawada Region and to provide Cell phone connection under Common User Group among IP/ASP/SPs/Ads etc.

In this regard, it is to submit that the Ips/ASPs are necessarily to make themselves to be in touch with BPMs/SPMs/PMs almost daily rather than the Ips/ASPs in the group in connection with promotion of BD/RPLI/PLI and other traditional services. In the Common User Group the monthly rent payable is Rs.249/-. Whereas in respect of land line the monthly rent payable is only Rs.150/-. Further, the pulse rate per local call is 180 seconds in respect of land line whereas the same is 60seconds per Cell One connection. If the IPs/ASPs are brought in to the Common User Group with other IPs/ASPs they may not be able to contact the BPMs/SPMs/PMs with the monthly ceiling of Rs.500/- including rental fee of Rs.250/-. Further, in the present scenario, every IP/ASP is badly required to get connected to the Internet to keep themselves abreast with the latest developments being taken place in all the fields of the Department. The information in respect of which is being kept in various Websites like India Post etc. If the land line connection is ordered to be disconnected, the facility of Internet connection which is being availed by IPs/ASPs who are presently availing the facility of land line connection may not be able to get Internet connection.

In view of the foregoing, the proposal of provision of Cell phones in place of Land Line connections is not at all beneficial either to our members or to the Department. Therefore, it is requested to cause to drop the proposal of withdrawal of land pone connections and implementation of Common User Group Scheme to avoid recurring expenditure to the members of our Association.

Thanking you sir,
Yours faithfully
(S. Shabbir)
Circle Secretary

3. Lr.EDP/6-1//2008-09 dtd 14.8.08 from PMG, Vijayawada:
All SPOs in
Vijayawada Region.
Sub:- Bi monthly meeting with the representatives of AIA of IP/ASP
held on 13.8.08 – Supply of computers to Office of SDHs – reg.
During the above meeting the association requested for supply of computers to all the Sub Divisional Offices to facilitate upkeep and maintenance of various records, use of e-Corr and monitoring of eProducts.

The PMG ordered that the Divisional Superintendents to obtain the proposals from the Sub Divisional Heads and submit a consolidated proposal to RO indicating justification for supply of computers by 31.08.2008.

You are requested to submit the proposal by 31.08.2008 intimating the requirements for putting the file to PMG for approval

Ammendment in Constitution of All India Assn. of IP and ASPs

The Government has provisionally approved the proposed amendment of the Constitution of All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents Posts Vide DG dtd 29.07.2008/

Proposed Amendments:
Part I (General)
Clause 10 – Sanction of expenditure:
(i) All expenses of recurring nature and of an item of expenditure beyond Rs.1000/- shall be incurred by the General Secretary with the sanction of the Working Committee.

(ii) in emergent cases, the General Secretary may spend such sum of money not exceeding Rs.1000/- with the previous sanction of the President or the Vide President.
Part-III (Circle Association)
Clause 38 – Subscription:
The monthly subscription shall be Rs.30/- per member, payable monthly through check off system by deductions from the salaries by Drawing & Disbursing Officers (DDOs) @Rs.30/- per month. However, in case of new members, they can exercise their option in the month of April and the deduction of subscription @ Rs.30/- per month will be made by the DDO concerned from Ist July of that year. 40% of the subscription will be remitted to CHQ and the remaining 60% to Circle Branch.

All the members are requested to check whether DDOs are correctly deducting the subscription from pay and allowances of the members.


CRs of the following senior ASPs have been called for promotion to PS Group B for the year 2008-09. List of is expected in the month of November, 2008.

Name of the Official
S.M. Quadri
T. Chandra Sekhar Reddy
A. Dharma Rao
S. Muniratnam
A.A.D. Prasada Rao
B. Simhachalam
Md. Nayeemullah
T.R.M.M. Niranjana Rao
A. Lingaiah
S. Subrahmanyan
U.V. Satyanarayana
Mohd. Amjad Hussain
Nakul Pradhano
K. Raghavaiah
T. Narsi Reddy
K. Malakonda Reddy
A. Kumara Swamy
P. Soma Shekar
P. Ram Mohan Rao (ST)
B. Bala Rama Krishna
J. Chandraiah
T. Rama Prabhakara Rao
T. Surya Rao
A. Sree Rama Chandra Murthy
S. Narsi Reddy
N.G.R. Bhaskara Babu
B. Gurunaada Rao (SC)
V.M.L. Naidu (ST)
P. Ramanada Rao(ST)
M. Devidas (ST)
P.V. Subba Rao (ST)
G. Venkataiah (SC)

Group-B adhoc promotions:

The following senior ASPs are promoted to PS Group- B on adhoc basis.
1) Sri Mohd. Amzad Hussain, Sr. Postmaster, Khairatabad HO
2) Sri T.M.M. Niranjana Rao, AD (BD & T), O/o CPMG, Hyd.
3) Sri K. Raghavaiah, SP, PSD, Hyderabad
4) Sri Suryaprakasa Rao, Manager, SP Operations, Hyd
5) Sri B. Udaya Shankar, AD PLI, O/o CPMG, Hyd

6) Sri Muralidhar Rao, AD, O/o PMG, Hyderabad.
7) Sri Somasekhar, SRM, ‘Z’ Dn, Hyderabad.
8) Sri Machaiah, SP, Karimnagar Dn
9) Sri Md. Nayeemulla, SP, Nizamabad Dn
10) Sri G.V. Ramana, SP, Sangareddy Dn
11) Sri Siddaiah, SP, Medak Dn
12) Sri T. Prabhakara Rao, SP, Tirupathi Dn.
13) Sri Md. Ismail, SP, Ananthapur Dn
14) Sri A.S.R. Murthy, SP, Nandyala Dn.
15) Sri K. Bhaskar, allotted to Kurnool Region

16) Sri T.Narsi Reddy, SP, Tenali Dn
17) Sri Janardhana Sharma, AD, O/o PMG, Vijayawada
18) Sri Venkataiah, SP, Guntur Dn.
19) Sri K. Jaya Raju, Dy. SP, Vijayawada
20) Sri V.V.V.Siva Prasad, SP, PSD, Vijayawada
21) Sri U.V.V.Satyanarayana, SP, Khammam
22) Sri K. Ramesh, SP, T.P. Gudem
23) Sri K. Siva Nageswara Rao, allotted to VJA Region


The following Inspectors have been promoted the cadre of Assistant Superintendent (Group B Gazzetted). Circle Association congratulates them.

Name of the Official

preent Region

Alotted Region
Mohd. Asif
AVR Kumar
Hyd City
S. Srinivasamba
Hyd City
K. Sudheendra Rao
T. Raja Sekhara Saarma
K.V.L.N. Murthy
T.A.V. Sharma
C.V. Rami Reddy
G.V. Srinivasulu
N. Raja Sekhar Reddy
K. Veeraiah
P. Bala Subrahmanyam
K. David
Md. Jaffer Sadiq
S. Rama Krishna
G. Siva Nagaraju
K. Keshya Naik
Hyd City


The following re-allotments have been issued.

1. Shri B. Syed Imam, ASP(Hrs), Mahabubnagar to Hyderabad City Region.
2. Shri M. Prabhakar, ASP(Hqrs), Karimnagar to Hyderabad City Region.



Item 1 : Local arrangement for vacant Sub Division in Hyderabad Region. Vacant Sub Divisions are being attached to neighbour SDI/ASP. This causing lot of pressure on Sub Divisional Heads to achieve business targets/Inspections/enquiries and etc of their Sub Divn. Therefore, it is requested to make local arrangement by calling willingness of the officials in the divisions

Reply: All SPOs have been directed to follow codified rules on this issue.

Item 2 : Supply of computer paper to all Sub Divisional Heads for issue of Inspection reports.

Reply : Any such specific case may be taken up with the concerned Divisional Head.


Item 1: Requesting for passing of Honorarium bills of IP/ASPs who worked as IO and PO enquiries. Bills relating to Srikakulam Division pending from 2006 onwards.

Reply: Honorarium to IO/PO of all the Divisions has since been sanctioned.

Item 2: Request for up-gradation of Investigation Inspector post at RO, Visakhapatnam as ASP Investigation as in all ROs Investigation and Vigilance matters are given to ASPs due to its importance.
Reply: Creation/abolition/Upgradation of Posts is purely administrative matter. At Present the matter of the branches are being attended to by ASP.

Item 3: Supply of computers to all Sub Divisional Heads during the financial year.

Reply: There is no such provision at present. The association may take up the issue at appropriate level.


Item 1: Request to retain land phone connections to IP/ASP Residences according to their option without forcing them to go for mobile connection.

Reply: The IP/ASP were asked to submit their willingness for switching over to the cell phone facility from official phones provided at their residence. They have given a joint declaration through their divisional head for switching over to cell phone facility and accordingly cell phones were provided.

Item 2: Supply of Executive chair, Godrej type Supervisory table, almirah, visitor chairs and charge light to Sub Division Offices. It was replied during the bi-monthly meeting held on 25.6.08 that divisional heads will supply the lights. So far no action taken at divisions.

Reply: All Divisional heads have been directed to supply executive chairs and tables and charge lights etc of good quality by 31-8-08.

Item 3: Request to sanction all pending TA bills. Bills have been kept pending since June,2006.

Reply : Reports of Divisional heads have been called for.


Item 1: Irrational fixing of targets to IPs/ASPs under RPLI and BD. It is requested to reassess the targets fixation at-least in financial year 2008-09 and fix the targets in a rational manner to post offices but not to IPs/ASPs.

Reply: The RPLI/BD targets are fixed by the Directorate for the Circle and the Circle Office has distributed the target to the regions and the region in turn has fixed the targets to the divisions. The divisions bases on the no. of offices, have fixed the targets for sub divisions. The divisions have also fixed the targets for the Sos and Bos in the jurisdiction of the SDI/ASP. The IPOs and ASPOs will not procure the RPLI/BD business directlyl but will only monitor the procurement of RPLI/BD business in their jurisdiction and will ensure achievement of the target fixed for the Sos and Bos. Since the targets are fixed by the Directorate and Circle Office, the regional office can only monitor the achievement of the target fixed for the region but can not fix targets or modify the targets on its own.

Item 2: Request to remove the work of collection and monitoring of Mutual funds business from IPs/ASPs and identify separate staff in each division to monitor this work since IPs/ASPs are overburdened and not finding time to perform their traditional duties.

Reply: This is a policy matter and can not be discussed at Regional level.
Item 3 : Supply of booklet on BD products including the rates and features of each product to all IPs/ASPs.

Reply: This will be provided.

All the members are requested to send the items to Secretary to put up the issues in bi-monthly meetings. Further, if there are any individual grievances, members are requested to send the same in writing to take up the issue with concerned authorities.


Group meeting of our Association was held at Stn.Kachiguda HO on 3.8.08 as organized by CS. Our General Secretary Sri S. Samuel, Smt Sundari, ASP, Thambaram and Dr. Yadav, CS, Uttar Pradesh attended the meeting. GS has briefed the issues on pay commission and other related issues.


No one selected in Group B exam from A.P Circle. Our members were very much disappointed about the results. This is first instance, no one selected from A.P.

APPEALAll the members are requested to donate minimum Rs.200/- from pay commission arrears to send CHQ as Circle donation for pursuing anomalies with anomaly committee to get better benefits for IP & ASPs. (List of members from whom donations received is kept in our website.

View web site for latest information.



My dear friends,

Namaste. At this outset let me thank all of you for having reposed confidence and electing me as Circle Secretary. I promise that I would do my best in discharging my duties as Circle Secretary effectively with your co-operation. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all as Convenor of the Reception Committee of 37th Circle Conference held at Hyderabad 0n 29-2-08 &1-3-08 for making the event a grand success. The arrangements made are very elaborate and very well suited to the convenience of all our Circle delegates. All the delegates have expressed their happiness for the arrangements made In this connection I would like to state that the deliberations held in the subjects committee meetings are purposeful and the resolutions passed there on are also meaningful which have highlighted the grievances of our cadre. We would definitely pursue these resolutions with the authorities concerned effectively.I want to stress here that if any of our members have got any grievances, they are all welcome to write to me or inform me at any time. I will definitely take up the issues with the concerned authorities immediately and try my level best to solve the genuine grievances and legitimate problems.I request all the office bearers to be active and in touch with the members of theirVicinity, discuss their problems and forward the grievances if any to me to take up the issues with authorities concerned.

VI th pay commission recommendations:

Though we welcome the recommendations regarding elevating Inspector cadre on par with Central Excise and Income Tax departments placing them in the pay scale of 6500-10500 and simultaneously placing the ASPs in the scale of 7450-11500, most of the members have expressed dissatisfaction on giving only one increment on subsequent promotion. Members also not satisfied with increment rate of 2.5%. Here I would like to mentioned that the pay commission has completely ignored the FR-22a(i)(ii)&(iii). All the members requested me to take up the issue with CHQ and expressed their readiness to participate in any agitational programme chalked out by CHQ.G.S visited Directorate on 11-4-08 and submitted memorandum on Pay Commission anomalies. Copy of the memorandum was kept in our web site. On receipt of further details from G.S, I will convey the same to all of you. In the meanwhile I am in touch with other trade unions on these issues.With warm greetings,Ever yours,/ S.SHABBIR/Circle Secretary

List of Office bearers elected during the 37th Circle Conference held at Hyd

PRESIDENT : Sri K.Ramesh, Manager, SPCC, Vijayawada-10

VICE PRESIDENT : 1.Sri M.Muralimohan Rao, ASP(HQ) Vizianagaram Dn

2.Sri P.Siddaiah, ASP, Proddutur Dn.

SECRETARY Sri Sk. Shabbir, Postmaster, Kachiguda H.O, Hyd-27

ASST. SECRETARY :1.Sri B.Udaya Sankara Rao, ASP(Est), C.O, Hyd-1

2.Sri Md.Azmatullah, ASP, Tanuku Sub Dn.

3.Sri K.Raghunada Swamy, IP, Huzur Nagar Sub Dn.

4.Sri PVLNV.Bala Satyanarayana, ASP(R), Kurnool Dn

ORG. SECRETARY : 1.Sri S.Prasada Rao, ASP, MBC, Nampally, Hyd-1

2.Sri G.Shanmukeswara Rao, ASP, Srikakulam Dn.

3.Sri R.Phani Prasad, ASP, Bhadrachalam Sub Dn.

4.Sri D.Bhaskar, ASP, Adoni Sub Dn.

TREASURER Sri P.B.Srinivas, ASP (BD), O/o.CPMG, Hyderabad-1

ASST.TREASURER : Sri M.Manmada Rao, ASP(Hqrs), Hyd.Stg.Dn


1. Sri G.V.Rao, ASP, EPP Center, Nampally, Hyderabad Stg.Dn.

2. Sri R.Ramakrishna, ASP, SPCC, Begumpet, Hyderabad.

3. Sri N.S.S. Rama Krishna, IP ©, O/o SSPOs, Hyd City Dn.

4. Sri A. Padmanabha Shetty, ASP(Mails), O/o CPMG, Hyderabad.

5. Sri R.Subhani, ASP(R), Sangareddy Dn.

6. Sri M. Muralidhar, ASP(INV), RO, Hyderabad.

7. Sri D. Srihari, IP, Kamareddy Sub Dn.

8. Sri V.V. Swamy, IP, Adilabad Sub Dn.

9. Sri K.Ramakrishna Reddy, ASP, Guntakal RMS

10.Sri B.Narayana Swamy, ASP(HQ), Cuddapah Dn.

11.Sri J.N.M.V.R Prasad, I.P, O/o.PMG, Kurnool

12.Sri K.Krishna, I.P, Pileru Sub Dn.

13.Sri P.Venugopala Rao, ASP (HQ), Vijayawada Dn.

14.Sri M.Srinivas, IP, Bhimavaram Sub Dn.

15.Sri K.Jaya Raju, ASP, RMS, Guntur.

16.Sri K.P.Bhaskara Rao, ASP(R), Ongole Dn.

17.Sri P.Ananda Rao, ASP, Tekkali Sub Dn.

18.Sri R.Babu Rao, I.P, Bobbili Sub Dn.

19.Sri Ch.L.N. Sastry, ASP(Estt), RO, Visakhapatnam.

20.Sri J.Janardhana Rao, ASP, Kakinada Dn.

Auditor: Sri V.V.V. Siva Prasada Rao, ASP, Mails, RO, Vijayawada.View web site for latest information.Association websiteI am happy to inform you that we have started web site on our circle association and latest happenings/developments are being kept in it regularly. We are in the process of collecting and feeding the information like Circle/All India gradation list, inspection questionnaires etc. Web site address is All the members are advised to view the site regularly for latest information and offer your views and suggestions to improve the website further.


Group meeting with nearly 100 IP/ASPs was held on 30-3-08 Sunday during the lunch time of the Training session on soft skills held at Acharya Ranga Agricultural University at Hyderabad. Circle Secretary and Treasurer attended the meeting and briefed the members on pay commission report and other developments and advised the members to be in readiness to participate in any agitational programme if at all announced by CHQ.

Extract of VI th Pay commission report on IP/ASP cadre

Inspector (Posts) : para 7.6.14Postal Inspectors in Department of Posts have demanded a higher pay scale of Rs.6500-10500 on par with Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT/CBEC as well as Assistants of Central Secretariat Service (CCS) on the ground that they are recruited through the same examination. The Commission is recommending the merge of pre-revised pay scales of Rs.5500-9000 and Rs.6500-10500 which will automatically bring Inspector (Posts) on par with Assistants in CCS/Inspectors and analogous posts in CBDT and CBEC. With this upgradation, Inspector(Posts) shall come to lie in an identical pay scale as that of their promotion post of Assistant Superintendent (Posts) [ASPOs]. ASPOs shall, accordingly, be placed in the next higher pay scale of Rs.7450-11500 corresponding to the revised pay band PB-2 of Rs.8700-34800 along with grade pay of Rs.4600. The next higher post in the hierarchy, that of Superintendent (Post), which is also a promotion post for ASPOs, shall be placed in the pay scale of Rs.7500-12000 corresponding to the revised pay band PB-2 of Rs.8700-34800 along with grade pay of Rs.4800. Parity exists between the posts of Inspector (Posts) and Inspectors in Mail Motor Service (MMS). This parity would need to be maintained and Assistant Manager, Mail Motor service shall be placed in the higher grade of Rs.7450-11500 whose corresponding replacement pay band and grade pay is PB-2 of Rs.8700-34800 along with a grade pay of Rs.4600. Similarly , Manager, Mail Motor Service shall be placed in PB-2 pay band of Rs.8700-34800 along with a grade pay of Rs.4800 which corresponds to the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.7500-12000.

Group-B adhoc promotions:
C.Rs and willingness of the following ASPs are called for to consider their cases for promotion to PSS Group- B on adhoc basis. S
/Sri 1) K.Malakonda Reddy, ASP(HQ), Nellore 2) A.Kumara Swamy, ASP, Vizag Region
3) P.Somasekhar, ASRM, Z Dn, Hyd 4) SriBalalarama Krishna Rao, ASP, Amadalavalasa
5) J.Chandraiah, ASP(HQ), Hyd City Dn 6) T.R.Prabhakararao,ASP(HQ)Hyd SE Dn.
7) P.Surya Rao, Postmaster,Visakhapatnam H.O 8) A.S.R.Murthy, ASP(HQ), Ongole Dn
9) S.Narasa Reddy, ASP(HQ), Nizamabad Dn 10) N.G.R.Bhaskara Babu,ASRM Y' Dn, VJA
11) G.Venkataiah ASP Parvathipuram Dn. 12) D.Ramanaiah ASP Kavali (1989 batch)
Adhoc promotions in ASP cadre:
1. Shri A.V.R.V. Kumar, IPO©, O/o SSPOs, Hyd South East Dn was given adhoc promotion and posted as ASP(Hqrs), Kurnool Division.
A.P. Circle, Officer’s Association bi-annual conference was held on 12.4.08, our Circle Secretary was also invited. Discussions about working together by our association and Officers Association were held. CS also addressed the gathering and express our willingness to work with them in Circle on common issues to make our Association also more strong. Sri Ch. Somerswara Rao, AD(A/c) O/o CPMG, elected as Circle Secretary, Sri N. Laxminarayana, SPOs, Eluru Dn as President and Sri P. Rambabu, AD(Mails) O/o CPMG as Treasurer. Congratulations to them.

Important Note:
Some Divisions have not sent amount realised through donation coupons so far. Reception committee is yet to finalize the accounts for want of non-receipt of non-realised donation coupons. Therefore, it is requested to send the amount collected and un-realized donation coupons immediately.

Group-B adhoc promotions:

C.Rs and willingness of the following ASPs are called for to consider their cases for promotion to PSS Group- B on adhoc basis.S/Sri

1) K.Malakonda Reddy, ASP(HQ), Nellore

2) A.Kumara Swamy, ASP, Vizag Region

3) P.Somasekhar, ASRM, Z Dn, Hyd

4) SriBalalarama Krishna Rao, ASP, Amadalavalasa

5) J.Chandraiah, ASP(HQ), Hyd City Dn

6) T.R.Prabhakararao,ASP(HQ)Hyd SE Dn.

7) P.Surya Rao, Postmaster,Visakhapatnam H.O

8) A.S.R.Murthy, ASP(HQ), Ongole Dn

9) S.Narasa Reddy, ASP(HQ), Nizamabad Dn

10) N.G.R.Bhaskara Babu,ASRM Y' Dn, VJA

11) G.Venkataiah ASP Parvathipuram Dn.

12) D.Ramanaiah ASP Kavali (1989 batch)

Adhoc promotions in ASP cadre:

1. Shri A.V.R.V. Kumar, IPO©, O/o SSPOs, Hyd South East Dn was given adhoc promotion and posted as ASP(Hqrs), Kurnool Division.A.P. Circle, Officer’s Association bi-annual conference was held on 12.4.08, our Circle Secretary was also invited. Discussions about working together by our association and Officers Association were held. CS also addressed the gathering and express our willingness to work with them in Circle on common issues to make our Association also more strong. Sri Ch. Somerswara Rao, AD(A/c) O/o CPMG, elected as Circle Secretary, Sri N. Laxminarayana, SPOs, Eluru Dn as President and Sri P. Rambabu, AD(Mails) O/o CPMG as Treasurer. Congratulations to them.Important Note: Some Divisions have not sent amount realised through donation coupons so far. Reception committee is yet to finalize the accounts for want of non-receipt of non-realised donation coupons. Therefore, it is requested to send the amount collected and un-realized donation coupons immediately.


If undelivered please return to

:Sri S.SHABBIR Circle Secretary,

AIA of IP/ASPs, A.P.Circle& Postmaster Kachiguda H.O,

HYDERABAD – 500 027

ToThe ASP (Head Quarters),---- ----- ----- ----- Division------ ------- ----- ----- -

PIN: --------------------


Dear Friends,You are aware that 37th Circle Conference of our Association is scheduled to be held at Tulaja Bhawan, Near Kachiguda Rly Stn., Hyderabad on 29.02.08 & 01.03.08. Reception Committee is making elaborate arrangements for our comfortable stay and successful conduct of the Mega biennial event of our Association and now in the process of fine-tuning all the arrangements. All the members of our Circle Association are requested to make it convenient to attend the conference conducting in Hyderabad City nearly after 14 years without fail. Members are eligible to take special CL for the conference dates and for the to & fro journey periods and Circle Office has already issued orders in this regard. Further you are well aware that finance plays vital role in making the function a grand success. All the members are once again requested to extend their fullest co-operation by ensuing that all donation coupons are exhausted and proceeds are remitted to the Reception committee. Regional Representatives and CWC members are requested to monitor the remittance of sale proceeds and attendance of our members to the conference at their respective Regions.With Conference Greetings Ever Yours


Circle Secretary

CHQ News:

35th All India Conference, Kolkata: The biennial All India conference of our Association was held at Pantha Niwas, Gora Bazaar, Dum Dum Cantt., Kolkata 700028 West Bengal from 23rd to 25th January 2008. Pre-Conference CWC Meeting was held on 23.1.2008 in the same venue. West Bengal Circle Branch of our Association made elaborate arrangements for the successful conduct of the conference. Out of 22 circles delegates from 19 circles attended the conference. There was no representation from 3 circles viz. J&K, Gujarat and Uttaranchal. Around 300 delegates participated in the conference. From A.P. Circle, 10 delegates attended the conference. Women members registered presence enthusiastically and also participated in the deliberations.The following members have been elected as CHQ office bearers and CWC members.

President :S.B.Mahapatra, Senior Postmaster, Bhubaneswar GPO Bhubaneswar751001 (Orissa)

Vice President I :P.R.Parodhi, Head Postmaster, Andheri H.O., Mumbai 400053

Vice President II :Ashok Kumar Koley, Head Postmaster, Beleghata H.O.Kolkata 700010

General Secretary :S.Samuel, ASP, Kanchipuram Division, Kanchipuram 631501

Asst.General Secretary I :N.K.Soni, ASP (Inv), Circle Office, Bhopal 462012

Asst.General Secretary II :U.C.Prasad, ASP, South West Sub Division, Patna 800004 (Bihar)

Asst.General Secretary III :Dinesh Kare, ASP, Karwar Sub Division, Karwar 581401(Karnataka)

Asst.General Secretary IV :L.N.Mahato, Inspector Posts, Baloda Bazaar SubDivision,Baloda Bazaar – 493332 (Chattisgarh)

Organising Secretary I :Roop Chand, ASP, Sub Division, Rohini, New Delhi – 110085

Organising Secretary II :Y.Venkateshwaralu, ASP(R), O/o SPOs, Hanamkonda 506001 (AP)

Organising Secretary III :M.L.Gulati, Manager, SPCC, Chandigarh 160017

Organising Secretary IV :Venunathan Pillai, Postmaster, Kollam 691001, Kerala

Organising Secretary V :Komal Singh, Inspector Posts, Etah Sub Division, Etah 207001 (UP)Treasurer :S.Ravi, ASP(HQ), Airmail Sorting Division, Chennai – 600027

Asst. Treasurer :N.M.Mali, ASP(HQ), O/o SPOs, Beawar 305901(Rajasthan)Shri N.K.Singh, Inspector Posts, Lohardaga, 835302 Jharkhand was appointed as auditor.

Campaign against non-implementation of Second CRC:

All Circle Secretaries brought signatures obtained and postcards written by our members addressed to Hon’ble Prime Minister of India demanding early implementation of Second CRC recommendations. They were all dispatched to Hon’ble Prime Minister in one lot from the venue of the All India Conference.


The following resolutions were passed unanimously in the AIC.Resolved that:

i) An honorarium of Rs. 5000/- may be granted to adhoc disciplinary authority.

ii) The incentive of Rs 25/- paid now to IP/ASP for RPLI work may be increased to Rs 125/- per lakh of sum assured.

iii) The Sub Divisional Heads may be relieved of BD/RPLI works and separate posts of IP/ASP may be created exclusively for BD/RPLI works in each Division

iv) The proposed PS Group B examination scheduled to be held on 16/17.2.2008 suffers several inconsistencies as highlighted in the representation of the Association dated 12.11.2007 addressed to the D.G. Department of Posts evoked no response. The All India Conference, Kolkata unanimously resolved that the examination be postponed till deficiencies are reconciled.

v) The Sub Divisional Heads may provided with full fledged office, assistance and till such time the work may be allowed to be outsourced for which an allowance of Rs 5000/- per month may be granted.

vi) Inspector cadre is a circle cadre and Inspector Posts recruited through staff selection commission should be allotted to home Circle in view of the special nature of duties required to be performed by them.

Amendments to the constitution:

Part III (Circle Association) Clause 38: Subscription:Present:

Subscription: The annual subscription shall be Rs. 240/- per member, payable monthly through check off system by deductions from the salaries by Drawing & Disbursing Officers (DDOs) @ Rs. 20/- per month.


Subscription: The annual subscription shall be Rs. 360/- per member, payable monthly through check off system by deductions from the salaries by Drawing & Disbursing Officers (DDOs) @ Rs. 30/- per month.

CAT case on PSS Gr’B’ Examination:

The speaking order of the CAT Patna in O.A.52/08 on PSS Gr ‘B’ Examination is furnished below:“The applicants should be allowed to appear in the examination to be held on 16th and 17th February, 2008 and they should be also allowed to carry with them the photo copies of Hindi manuals of original Hindi manuals. The respondents should also make all attempts to provide as many as possible Hindi translations of the manuals in the examination centre”

Gazette Notification of ASPs:

Gazetted status was conferred to ASPs with effect from 28.07.2005. But their names were not published in the Gazette of India. The matter was taken up with Directorate by the Association vide letter no. CHQ/IASP/02 dt. 06.12.2007. The department has now issued orders vide letter no. 4-18/2007-SPB-II dt. 10.01.2008 directing all circle heads to notify appointments of ASPs in the Gazette of India.

VI Pay Commission:

It is learnt that VI Pay Commission is going to submit their report to the Government in the last week of February ’08 and Government will allocate funds in the next central budget to meet the expenditure on accepting the Pay Commission recommendations. Our main demand is up-gradation of existing pay scales of an Inspector Posts Rs.5500-175-9000 to Rs.6500-200-10500 giving parity to the revised pay scale of Rs.6500-200-10500 of Inspectors Income Tax and Central Excise Consequently, the Pay Scale of Assistant Superintendent Posts should be upgraded from the existing Rs.6500-200-10500 to Rs.7500-250-12000. Directorate has also recommended higher pay scale for Inspector Posts on par with Income Tax Inspectors.

Regular promotions of Inspector Posts to ASP

SNo ----Name of the Officer S/Shri/Ms ----------------Region allotted1 -------T J Prabhakara Raju IP Rajahmundry ---------Visakha Posted asASP(HQ) Rajahmundry2 -------K Sriramulu, IP, RO Vizag ---------------------Hyderabad3 -------B Gumpu Swamy IP Saluru -------------------Vijayawada4 -------AVLN SivalingamIP Sirisilla -------------------Hyderabad5 -------R Subhani IP Shadnagar -----------------------Hyderabad6 -------P Bhaskar IP Warangal (N) --------------------Hyderabad7 -------A Mallaiah IP Medak West ---------------------Hyderabad8 -------P S Madhava Rao IP Tirupati ------------------Kurnool9 -------V Govindaraju IP Kothapet --------------------Vijayawada10 ------M Srinivasa Reddy IP Yellamanchili -----------Vijayawada11 ------M Srinivasa Murthy IP Janagaom (E) ----------Hyderabad12 ------Syed Musa IP Narsaraopet --------------------Kurnool13 -----G Eswaraiah IP Nagar Kurnool -----------------Hyderabad14 -----B Krishna IP Suryapet Dn ----------------------Hyderabad15 -----K Krishna IP RO Vizag -------------------------VijayawadaLast OC candidate – Sri Syed Musa 1996 batchLast SC candidate – Sri G Eswaraiah 2000 batchLast ST candidate – Sri K Krishna 2001 batch

Adhoc Promotions to ASP Cadre fromInspector Posts

1 .T Ramaiah IP Ramachandrapuram -------Kurnool

2 .Md Asif IP Vuyyuru --------------------Kurnool

3 .Y V Krishna Rao IP Kurnool -------------Kurnool

Re-allotments in ASP Cadre

1.Y V Reddy ASP(HQ) Medak -Hyd city Posted as ASP (N) City Dn

2.PVS Sankara Rao ASP (R) Sangareddy --Hyd city Posted as ASP (W) City Dn

3 .J Srinivas ASP RO Hyderabad --Hyd city Posted as ASP Secunderabad Sub Dn

4.M Ramanamurthy ASP Nandyal --Visakha. Posted as ASRM(HQ), O/o SRM,V Dn

5.K L Naidu ASP (HQ) Suryapet ----Visakha. Posted as ASP Samalkot

6.Chandrasekhar ASP Kovvur ----Visakha Posted as ASRM Rajahmundry

7 .B Satyanarayana ASP HQ Machilipatnam ---Visakha Posted as ASP Rajahmundry West

8.K Gowrisankara Rao ASP Peddapalli ---Visakha Posted as ASP (R) Rajahmundry

9.KVSL Narasimha Rao ASP (HQ) Gudivada ---Visakha Posted as ASP (HQ) Kakinada

10 .M Chandrasekhar ASP Janagaom ---------------Vijayawada

11 .P ParisudhaRao ASP Adilabad Dn --------------Vijayawada

12 .B Rayappa ASP(HQ) Nandyal ------------------Vijayawada

13.IRK NaiduASP(HQ) Tirupati -------------------Vijayawada

14 .A Krishna Murthy ASP Sangareddy ------Kurnool

Particulars of Women IPs & ASPs working in A.P.Circle

Kum/Smt ---------------------------------DOJ as IP

1 Y Reddamma ASP Chittoor 1981 batch ----------31.08.1982

2 P Bharatha Lakshmi ASP (HQ) O/o SPOsGuntur1989 batch05.05.1990

3 S Srinivasamba IP Phil C.O. Hyd. 1996 batch ----31.12.1998

4 Sayeeda Tanveer IP (Plg) O/o PMG Kurnool 2001 batch06.03.2003

5 S Vijaya Jyothi IP Madira 2001 batch ----------27.03.2003

6 J N Vasantha IP Cuddapah South 2003 batch --24.09.2004

7 GN Bala Saraswathi IP (PG) O/o SPOs Guntur 2003 batch09.09.2004

8 M Lakshmi Madhavi IP (PG) O/o SSPOs Secunderabad 2003 batch14.09.2004

9 Ch Madhavi IP Vikarabad 2004 batch ---------31.01.2006

10 Ch Swathi Madhurima IP Dharmavaram 2004 batch 21.01.2006


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