Smt.Karuna Pillai,Chief PMG
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Friday, November 12, 2010

0 Proforma of letter to be given to Exam Conducting authority

The proforma of the letter to be given by the members to the Examination conducting officer is furnished below. All the members are requested to take print out of the letter proforma(by selecting the text and copy it in a new word file) and submit copy of it duly signed to the Examination conducting officer on 14-11-2010 besides wearing Black Badges while performing Exam duty on 14-11-2010.Members working at CO/RO are also requested to give the same letters to the concerned A.Ds of the CO/RO. ASP(HQ), CWC membres and members working at CO/RO may take interest in successful completion of this phase of action plan.

Proforma letter :

From :-


Inspector-Posts/ Asst.Supdt –Posts


The Sr/Supdt of Post offices,

& Exam Conducting authority

Sub:- Revision of rates of remuneration for performing duty as Invigilators for the Examinations conducted by the Department of Posts —Reg-

Ref:- My representation dated .........-10-2010


It is to submit that vide my representation referred to above, I made a request to exclude me from the Examination Invegilation / Squad duties. Despite my request,I was assigned with the Invigilation / Squad duty for the examination of “Direct Recruitment for the cadre of PA/SA” scheduled to be held on 14-11-2010, Sunday.

As loyal employee of the Department, Iam attending the Examination duties on14-11-2010,Sunday. But in protest against the non revision of the rate of remuneration of Rs 20/- and Rs 40/- fixed long back in the year 1972, Iam refusing the payment of the remuneration now being paid for performing the duties of Examination.

Further, it is to submit that the fixed Stationery charges (FSC) of Rs 100/- now being paid to the Sub Divisional IPs/ASPs is also fixed decades back and no periodical revision undertaken. Apart from these, cadre review/ Cadre restructuring was not under taken for IP/ASP cadre since so many years.

It is, therefore, requested to bring these issues to the notice of concerned authority to cause immediate action to take up cadre review/cadre restructuring for Inspector-posts and Asst.Supdt-posts besides revising the Examination remuneration and F.S.C for sub Divisions justifiably.

Yours faithfully,

Date : 14-11-2010

Station :

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