Smt.Karuna Pillai,Chief PMG
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Friday, March 11, 2011

0 Proceedings of the CWC Meeting held at Tirupathi H.P.O. on 05.03.2011

Central Working Committee meeting of our IP/ASP Association, AP Circle Branch was held at Tirupathi H.P.O. Premises on 05.03.2011 as notified under the presidentship of Sri K.Ramesh. Out of 35CWC Members, 21 members attended the meeting. The staff of Tirupathi Postal Division under the leadership of Sri K Rama Krishna Reddy, Adhoc SPOs, Tirupathi has made excellent arrangements for the smooth conduct of the meeting.Sri Sk.Shabbir, Circle Secretary has presented his annual report to the CWC for approval. The Circle treasurer also presented the Financial Statement for the period from 20.02.2010 to 04.03.2011. The following items have come up for discussion.

  1. Revision of IP Grade Pay from Rs.4200 to Rs.4600: This issue was discussed in length and the members expressed their dissatisfaction for not resolving the issue so far and decided to put pressure on the CHQ to chalk out some agitation programme to show our resentment to the Department. CS informed the CWC that the GS has already chalked out agitation programme which includes Wearing of black badges, Dharna, Mass casual leave, Strike etc and asked the members to convey their consent or otherwise. The members unanimously approved the programme and asked to implement it according to the schedule given. Besides this programme, the members suggested to give Rose flowers on one day to all the staff at Circle Office right from CPMG to convey our feelings on this issue. The CS informed the members that he will select a date for this activity and communicate to all. The CWC also expressed its solidarity to Sri Paramanand, IP, Kerala Circle who alone filed CAT case against the Department in this matter before Ernakulam CAT bench. CWC decided to motivate all the members to make the agitation programme chalked by CHQ a success.

  1. Revision of Examination Honorarium etc.: The CWC thanked all the members for the support given by them in response to the call given by the Circle Association during the month of November 2010. Despite our efforts, it was learnt that there was no progress at Directorate. The CWC decided to ask the GS to put this issue also as one of the item while issuing notice to the Department on our agitation programme on IP Grade Pay issue.

  1. Vacancies in IP Cadre : Members informed the house that nearly 35% of the IP Posts are vacant and many posts are being manned by giving additional charge to the neighbouring Sub Divisions years together as no one from clerical staff is opting for local arrangement now a days. This matter was discussed in length and it is decided that in cases where it is not possible to make local arrangement, we will ask to redistribute the inspections among all the IP/ASPs working in the Division at the time of preparing the Annual Inspection programme itself to relieve the Inspection burden on the IP/ASP who is holding additional charge. Simultaneously we will ask the CHQ to take up the issue with the Directorate to fill up all the vacant posts immediately to strengthen the administration at ground level.

  1. Non consideration of Requests : The CWC discussed the issue of non consideration of the requests of the 2008 Batch IPs while issuing postings to the 2009 batch IPs. C.S informed the CWC that this issue was taken up with CPMG and CPMG already considered the requests for reallotment to city region. The C.S further informed that consideration of pending requests for other regions is also being pursued vigorously. The issue of transfer two ASPs working in Hyd city region to Vijayawada and Kurnool regions unilaterally in the interest of service was also discussed and the CWC decided to intensify the efforts to bring back those two ASPs to their original places. The issue of transfer of Sri Sivaji Ganeshan IP from Srikalahasthi to Kurnool in the midst of his tenure was also discussed. SP Tirupathi informed the CWC the reasons contributed for transfer of the said IP. Whatever the reasons, it is decided by CWC to continue the efforts already initiated to bring back the IP to his original place.

  1. Harrasment of SP Vizianagaram against our members : It was brought to the notice of CWC that Sri Soma sekhar SP Vizianagaram is continuing his vindictive attitude towards all the IPs/ASPs working in the Division despite reporting the matter to PMG Visakhapatnam. The matter was discussed in detail and all the CWC members in one voice condemned the acts of Sri Somasekhar SP Vizianagaram and the CWC also opined that delay on the part of RO in resolving the issue despite bringing this matter to the notice of RO long back is facilitating the SP to penetrate further against our cadre. CWC unanimously resolved to ask the PMG Visakhapatnam to settele the issue immediately simultaneously gearing up the members in Visakhapatnam region to respond in total whatever the call given by the circle association in case of non settlement of the issue by RO by the end of this month. C.S, taking into consideration of the feelings of the other CWC members, has informed the house that he will bring the issue afresh to the notice of PMG by seeking informal meeting with this single agenda.

  1. Allotment of Quarters at Hyderabad for our association : C.S informed the CWC that CPMG, considering our request, has allotted one Quarter to our association in Chikkadapalli Hyd staff quarters. The CWC decided to procure some essential furniture like beds, cots, T.V, Chairs etc to use the accommodation for night stay of the members visiting Hyderabad on various official purposes besides association activities. It is also decided to provide tiles to the flooring and toilet walls after getting required permissions. The estimated cost of these improvements and Furniture is around 1.5 Lakhs. The CWC decided to start the works immediately from association funds simultaneously collecting Rs 200/- from each member towards donation.

  1. Decentralization of CAT/ High court cases from CO to Divisions : The CWC discussed the problems that are being faced by our members working in Divisions in attending the CAT cases and High court cases. It was informed to the house that the C.O is simply asking the Divisions to process their cases directly without giving any kind of assistance. The CWC decided to take up the issue with CPMG to restore the old practise of processing the cases from CO Legal cell to avoid unnecessary expenditure towards TA and to allow the IP/ASPs working at field level to concentrate more on the positive aspects like B.D/ RPLI etc.

  1. Production of bill to claim mobile phone recharge reimbursement : It was discussed in the CWC that it became difficult to produce bill to claim mobile phone recharge reimbursement as the practice of sale of scratch card coupons etc was discontinued and service providers are preferring online recharge. In many Divisions, sanction is being issued for admissible amount of Rs 750/- on self declaration and after issue of sanction by Divl head in favour of the IP/ASP, payment is being taken by signing the ACG-17 voucher. But in some Divisions, they are insisting for production of bill. Members are advised to bring it to the notice of their concerned Divl head to issue sanction on self declaration and there will be no problem from audit side also since the IP/ASP himself is signing the ACG-17 Voucher. If the problem not setteled at Divl level, members may bring it to the notice of CS/RRs to get it solved.

  1. Misc Items : Issues like Fixing of unachievable targets in opening of savings accounts/ RPLI/BD, Delay in RPLI data entry, Non payment of incentives on RPLI procurement were also discussed and it is decided to take up these issues with the concerned during Bi-monthly/Four monthly meetings for amicable settelement.


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