Smt.Karuna Pillai,Chief PMG
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Monday, September 26, 2011

1 proceedings of CWC meeting PATNA

Centarl working committee meeting of All India Association of Inspectors and Asst.Supdt Posts was held at Patna on 23/24-09-2011. Out of 21 Circles, representatives from 17 circles including AP attended  the CWC. Sri S.Samuel and Janardhana Sarma, Ex General Secretaries of our assciation have also attended the meeting as special invitees and participated in the deleberations.The CWC deleberations  mainly focussed on the Merger of IP / ASP Cadre and getting Grade pay of Rs 4600/- to Inspector Posts. Initially,the members demanded the G.S to clarify the circumstances that led him to float revised proposal of “merger of ASP with IP with Grade pay of rs 4600/- and without gazetted status”, which is completely differed with the proposal finalized in Ambaji CWC meeting. The G.S clarified that the Department is not in favour of accepting  the proposal of “merger of ASP with PS group B” owing to functional disparities and advised the association to come up with the proposal of “Merger of ASP with IP without Gazetted status”.Hectic rather heated discussions held all through the day on the merits and demerits of the reviseed proposal.  The merits and demerits of the revised draft proposal discussed in the CWC are as follows.
Merits : 1. Present  Inspector posts cadre officials will get 400/- hike in Grade pay 2. All the  ASPs will get PL Bonus of Rs 7000/- per annum. 3.Merger will be beneficial at the time of next pay commission for parity with other Inspectors in CBDT/CBEC and Assistants in CSS. 4. All Direct Recruit inspectors will get Grade pay of Rs 5400/- in PB III as III MACP.
Demerits :1.TheExisting ASPs will loose their social status of Gazetted officer and they will become as officials, but not officers. 2. The Inspector after entry into the cadre will remain as Inspector for 26 years with out Gazetted status and with out any promotion till getting PS groupB. 3. The Disiplinery powers now  vested with CPMG/DPS in respect of ASP cadre will again be delegated to DPS/Divl Head which will allow Divl head to initiate Disc action for petty things like delay in issue of FNRs/IRs as was happened before conferrment of Gazetted status. 4. The social status of Gazetted officer will be withdrawn. He will be treated on par with HSGII/HSG I officials as at present Gazetted status is the only difference between ASP and HSG I cadres. 5. On merger of IP and ASP cadres, the financial  benefit of RS 1000/- towards one increment at the time of ASP promotion will be lost. For getting Grade pay increase of 400/- for 6 to 7 years(till getting ASP promotion),we have to incur loss of Rs 1000/- increment benefit for nearly 19 to 20 years(till getting PS Group B) and Gazetted status which can not be compensated with mere bonus of 7000/- per annum. 6. The biggest set back may be seen in the next 7th pay commission where there is possibility of merging the paybonds and Grade pay of Gazetted cadres with same cadres and non gazetted cadres with other non gazetted cadres.Resultantly nongazetted merged cadre of IP/ASP may merge with LSG/HSG cadres as was done in earlier  pay commissions.
Keeping all the above aspects as well as the sentiments of the members particularly those in IP cadre, AP circle has informed the CWC  that merger of both IP and ASP Cadres with grade pay Rs 4600/-is agreable, but  gazetted status should be given to the merged cadre.The stand taken by the AP Circle find favour from majority of circles. Further, the issue of CAT case on IP grade pay at Hon’ble CAT Bench Ernakulam was also came up for discussion.The C.S Kerala circle informed the house that Judgement was reserved in the case and pronouncement is expecting with in a fortnight. Former Genereal Secretary Sri S.Samuel while addressing the house has explained the struggle and pains they have experinced while getting Gazetted status to ASP cadre and advised the house to fight for getting Grade pay of Rs 4600/- to IP cadre without loosing anything what we had now. Sri Janardhana sarma, Ex GS has also advised the house to be cautious while taking a dicision keeping in view the example of “Surrendering the Orderley service to Sub Divl Heads” without getting the desired result.
Finally, the CWC has passed resolution to persue with Directorate to  grant grade pay of Rs 4600/- to Inspector Posts without touching the aspect of Gazetted status to ASP cadre. Further, It was also resolved to assess the whole issue after pronouncement of judgement  by Ernakulam CAT bench on the case filed by Sri Permanand and others and to  take legal and agitational path in case of non settelment of the issue in reasonable time.
The issue of Restructing of IP cadrte was also discussed in length  in CWC. The G.S informewd the house that the Department has  constituted a committee under the chairmanship of Member(P) with General Secretary and president as members from staff side to examine the promotional prospects of the cadre. He further informed that the issue of grant of Grade pay of Rs 4600/- to IPs will not come under the purview of the committee.  After discussions, the GS has asked the Circle secreteries to prepare a proposal  from each circle taking the members views into consideration and submit to CHQ before 30-11-2011 so that CHQ will submit a cosolidated proposal to the committee.


  1. The merger of IP with ASP will have two grave consequences which are not discussed above.

    1. The direct recruitment quota will be based on the newly merged No. of posts i.e. IP / ASP. In that case, 1/3rd posts of ASPOs as of now will also be filled up through direct recruitment after merger.

    2. 90 percent of the posts of ASPOs are based at district headquarter and once the cadre is merged, the ASPOs may again be posted away from district headquarter.
