Smt.Karuna Pillai,Chief PMG
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Sunday, December 25, 2011

0 Sr PM Exam - Clarification on Eligibility criteria

 Copy of  D.G. Posts letter No.4-58/2011-SPB.II dated 21 December, 2011.

Sub:   Senior Postmaster Examination, 2011-Clarification on eligibility Criteria           Reg.
            I am directed to say that references have been received from some Circles seeking clarifications as to whether Asstt. Supdt. Posts (ASPO) who are in the grade of Rs.4600/- and those ASPOs granted Rs. 4800/-as Grade pay under MACP scheme are eligible to appear for the ensuing Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Senior Postmasters (Gazetted) to be held on 31.12.2011 and whether the Inspector of Posts who have been granted Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/- under MACP are eligible to appear for the said Senior Postmasters Examination.

2.         According to the Recruitment Rules, 75% of the vacancies in the grade of Senior Postmaster are required to be filled up by the Inspector of Posts (IPOs) with six years of regular service in the grade by promotion through Limited Departmental Competitive Examination and 25% of vacancies by promotion from amongst the officers holding the post of Postmaster Grade.III with two years regular service (including regular service in HSG-I, if any). Therefore, ASPOs holding the post on regular in the grade pay of Rs.4600/- and such ASPOs who are in receipt of Grade Pay of Rs.4800/- under MACP scheme are not eligible to appear in the said examination.

3.         Further, as per Modified Assured Career Progress Scheme (MACPS), on grant of financial upgradation under the scheme, there shall be no change in the designation, classification or higher status. The financial upgradation would be on non-functional basis. Thus, those regular IPOs who have been granted financial upgradation under MACP would continue to function against their existing posts. Therefore, higher Grade Pay derived by IPOs because of financial upgradation under the MACP scheme will not be a bar to such IPOs to appear in the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for the post of Senior Postmaster as they continue to be the regular incumbents of the post of IPO.

4.         Circles are requested to take into account the above clarifications while deciding the eligibility of officers holding the post of ASPO and IPO for Senior Postmaster Departmental Examination, 2011.
(Alka Tewari)
Assistant Director General (SPN)


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